View Full Version : Scared I was gna die

30-05-12, 20:53
Hi guys and girls, im new today to this forum and ive had a good look around and im pleasantly suprised how informative and friendly it is.
Well my name is Danny and im 33 nxt month, ive always thought i had a heart condition but never looked into it, ive always thought my dropped beats, rapid heart rate and palputations were kinda normal but this monday was the scariest day of my life.
I was at the hairdresses when all of a sudden during my monthly chop...i started to panic, ive had this feeling b4 but ive managed to surpress it. but this time there was no getting away. i got a sudden rush of adrenalin and started to hyperventilate, sweat, rapid heart increase, pins and needles in my feet and hands, couldnt breathe properly. tightness across my chest, stars in my eyes, light headed, dry mouthed, dredded feeling i was going to die at any minute, and i had no control over any of it, so they called me an ambulance, when they arrived they hooked me up to the monitor and it went 170-200- 210 bpm then suddenly dropped a huge beat about 4 times so they rushed me to hospital, when i got there they took 4 ecg.s 4 blood samples and chest xrays, the attacks came and went for about 4 hrs then stopped. and i was released after an over nite stay, to return the next day, to get a 24hr ecg monitor fitted. there were no bad results back and everything turned out to be normal with me. gta say im terrified that this will happen again to me.

has this happened to anyone else?...and how should i go about helping myslelf shoild it happen again...should i be calling 999?


anx mum
30-05-12, 21:05
Hi guys and girls, im new today to this forum and ive had a good look around and im pleasantly suprised how informative and friendly it is.
Well my name is Danny and im 33 nxt month, ive always thought i had a heart condition but never looked into it, ive always thought my dropped beats, rapid heart rate and palputations were kinda normal but this monday was the scariest day of my life.
I was at the hairdresses when all of a sudden during my monthly chop...i started to panic, ive had this feeling b4 but ive managed to surpress it. but this time there was no getting away. i got a sudden rush of adrenalin and started to hyperventilate, sweat, rapid heart increase, pins and needles in my feet and hands, couldnt breathe properly. tightness across my chest, stars in my eyes, light headed, dry mouthed, dredded feeling i was going to die at any minute, and i had no control over any of it, so they called me an ambulance, when they arrived they hooked me up to the monitor and it went 170-200- 210 bpm then suddenly dropped a huge beat about 4 times so they rushed me to hospital, when i got there they took 4 ecg.s 4 blood samples and chest xrays, the attacks came and went for about 4 hrs then stopped. and i was released after an over nite stay, to return the next day, to get a 24hr ecg monitor fitted. there were no bad results back and everything turned out to be normal with me. gta say im terrified that this will happen again to me.

has this happened to anyone else?...and how should i go about helping myslelf shoild it happen again...should i be calling 999?


Hi danny can totelly relate to how your feeling although my heart rate raised it wasent that high. The symptoms u described i have felt many times its awful i truly thought i was gonna die and i have called 999 cos i truly believed something was wrong that was last year. I believe now i had severe anxiety. I think when this attack comes over u, u need support with me i was on my own with 3 kids hubby at work and it made me more scared.

30-05-12, 21:14
hi thanx for ur reply.sounds kinda wierd and heartless, but it makes me feel better knowing uve had the same kind of attacks as me. the feelings i had were so strong and scary that i had zero control and thought i was gna collapse any second. im actually in bed now with the ecg monitor they gave me overnite. and im kinda scared its gna happen again. when i was in hospital ive never prayed so hard in my life lol. thanx again for ur reply and i hope your attacks never return...i just cant get over how unbelieveably scary it was :-(

anx mum
30-05-12, 21:21
:hugs:Im sure its not a heart condition hun but its good docs r doing the 24 hour monitor on u. Yes my attacks were so scary my hubby had to give up work to look after my children. The pains i had were awful, the breathing symptom scared me felt like i had no air. Im on medication now to control my panics these attacks keep coming bk had them since 17 im now 33 i have good years than wham out the blue another one

30-05-12, 21:26
sneaky little buggers these attacks arent they lol, ive had a few now but this 1 was a monster, do u know of anything i shud be doing to prevent them re occuring?

anx mum
30-05-12, 21:30
sneaky little buggers these attacks arent they lol, ive had a few now but this 1 was a monster, do u know of anything i shud be doing to prevent them re occuring?

They say relaxion u need lots of support alot of people wont understand cos they havent been through it. See your doc often maybe meds or councilling. Wish i had a magic wand for both of us lol

30-05-12, 22:54
I had these out of the blue but my heart rate never went that high either. All the other symptoms sound like pretty standard anxiety symptoms.
I don't know if it helps, but think of it this way. As far as your brain is concerned, the physiological difference between being elated and being panicked is almost nil. The difference is what your conscious mind interprets the physiological response to be.
This means that if you can find a way of interpreting that physiological response as a happy one, by associating it with good things and not bad memories, then maybe that would be a start. I've heard CBT is good and have been to see my GP with a view to getting referred.
In short, we just need to re-program our minds reaction to the sweating, increased heart rate etc. Just think of how people feel when they go on a fairground ride. It's exactly the same, but they think of it in a different way. So, in theory at least, that's what we need to do.
If it works for me I'll be screaming it from the roof tops as I've tried counselling, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki, tapping, you name it (ecpet CBT) and I've tried it over the last 11 years, but so far, it's not been enough.
I hope CBT works for me :-) best of luck to you peeps too.

01-06-12, 22:12
yeah thx for the reply, sounds like a good idea, but when i get in that state its kind of impossible to try to think posetively about anything atall...the breathing techniques seem to help tho...

02-06-12, 19:40
Hi guys and girls, im new today to this forum and ive had a good look around and im pleasantly suprised how informative and friendly it is.
Well my name is Danny and im 33 nxt month, ive always thought i had a heart condition but never looked into it, ive always thought my dropped beats, rapid heart rate and palputations were kinda normal but this monday was the scariest day of my life.
I was at the hairdresses when all of a sudden during my monthly chop...i started to panic, ive had this feeling b4 but ive managed to surpress it. but this time there was no getting away. i got a sudden rush of adrenalin and started to hyperventilate, sweat, rapid heart increase, pins and needles in my feet and hands, couldnt breathe properly. tightness across my chest, stars in my eyes, light headed, dry mouthed, dredded feeling i was going to die at any minute, and i had no control over any of it, so they called me an ambulance, when they arrived they hooked me up to the monitor and it went 170-200- 210 bpm then suddenly dropped a huge beat about 4 times so they rushed me to hospital, when i got there they took 4 ecg.s 4 blood samples and chest xrays, the attacks came and went for about 4 hrs then stopped. and i was released after an over nite stay, to return the next day, to get a 24hr ecg monitor fitted. there were no bad results back and everything turned out to be normal with me. gta say im terrified that this will happen again to me.

has this happened to anyone else?...and how should i go about helping myslelf shoild it happen again...should i be calling 999?


Read my first post mate, i have been exactly where you are! it gets better trust me its about learning to deal with it.