View Full Version : Help please!

31-05-12, 06:39
Hi again, have posted on this topic before and thought I had been convinced that I had IBS as opposed to something nasty. Would some kind soul please tell me if its normal to have these bowel/stomach problems for a week or more none stop? Thats how this started for me and why I became so worried. Had blood test,stool tests and abdominal CT scan-all okay. Everything seemed to die down for about 10 weeks then last wednesday I felt sick during the night and since then I've had all the same symptoms again more or less all the time. Went back to the Dr and he seemed pretty sure it was IBS but I remain to be convinced. Would really like to know if other people have the same thing and can it last for a week or more without easing up? Also have sore back(middle) when I wake up which is either my mattress, poor posture or the tumor that is currently ravaging my insides! Any advice or personal experiences would be really appreciated. Have been taking my citalopram for last 6-7 weeks so not feeling quite so out of control, but certainly heading that way.:unsure:

31-05-12, 07:28
I have had IBS as long as I can remember, but mine was diagnosed without any tests.
When I get a flare up it can last 2 weeks or more, it helps if I can recognise a flare up starting so I can take medication for it and it settles quicker.
I'm having a bad time with it at the moment and its took me a while to realise that my back pain seems to be caused by the IBS, for example the stomach bloating and discomfort started on sunday after eating, that night in bed the back pain started - it only tends to hurt when I'm in bed - I assume its the pressure of an inlfamed bowel that pushes on my spine.
Im sure you do not have a tumor - that would have been found during your tests. It sounds like IBS. I have found that some foods set me off, but usually its when I start worrying about something - that leads to a flare up xx

31-05-12, 10:09
Thanks for that, my back pain seems to disappear when I get up so what you say sounds pretty reasonable.I do stress about quite a lot surprise surprise and have been particularly bad of late which did coincide with my first symptoms.shall try to keep things in perspective-a harder task than I'd wish.Have started taking peppermint oil capsules as I read they were a help to some. Thanks again for your reply I really appreciate it-take care.:)

31-05-12, 10:13
no probs - my back pain goes once i get up and move around too x