View Full Version : feeling ill! ill! ill!

11-07-06, 13:42
I really do think now i must have some dreadful disease as i feel so rubbish...for the past week ive felt overwhelming tierdness that makes me need to lie down,even though im sleeping at night...and im so achey all over particular my chest and shoulders and i keep getting chest pains and tightness...aswell as low back ache...im sure i must be riddled with cancer why else do i feel so ill im 26 not 86 why do i feel like this...i cant cope with the kids at minute either i wish i could just stay in bed all day...going back to docs thursday..dont know what to say...im scared im gonna just break down into tears..dont know what tests to ask for next as im sure something is wrong..
i hate anxiety does anyone else get this delibitatig tierdness that makes you think you are going to drop any minute???

11-07-06, 13:46

I can so so relate to you in everything in you. At the minute I feel so so guilty about my children espically my 5 year daughter. I so hope we can feel better soonxx

Thinking of you



11-07-06, 14:10
hi wwte we feel so tierd because we are using up all our energy because of the physical and emotional stress our bodies are going through!like mandy said we do feel so guilty because we all worry what effect this has on our children,but they love us un-conditionaly and they know that we love them,and thats the best thing a mum can give them.take care hope you feel better soon rachelx x x

11-07-06, 14:18
what i often ask myself is how long can our bodies keep fighting off this stress of our anxieties and horrible feelings..surely we can only take so much...do you know what, my 3 year old every morning gets his toy doctors set and comes and asks me whats wrong with me today, and he will get his little toy computer and pretend to look at things the way i do...i feel so guilty and heartbroken as this damned anxiety is taking precious time away which i should be doing things with the kids...i so love my children and they are well looked after its just i dont feel i can cope doing extra things even reading books to them is a chore somedays...sorry to go on, but im so sick of this i wish i could be more positive

11-07-06, 14:20

I am going through exactly the same symptons and feeling as you!! It got so bad at 4.00am sunday morning that I went down A&E thinking I was having a heart attack! Had blood tests and ECG only to be told I was in great health!! That helped for a while but now I am thinking that they were wrong!!

That is the problem with this health anxiety even reassurance doesn't work!! But I am having all the sympton you have including dizziness! So you are not alone. I also feel so guilty on the effect it is having on my children!! It makes you feel sooooooooo guilty which then adds the the anxiety!!!

Hope you feel better soon

Sarah xxxxx

11-07-06, 18:01
hi iwas just thinking as we all said we feel guilty i wonder wether this also contributes to ouur anxiety?so it becomes another catch22!!take care all rachelx x x

11-07-06, 18:32
hi wwet,
i can totally relate to u. i am so tired in an afternoon that all i want to do is go to bed. i can't cos i have four children they youngest just over one. i then feel guilty cos i can't interact with them as i feel so drained.
i also have the aching in my chest,rib shoulder area and am totally convinced i have breast cancer. this all gets me checking for lumps and changes which them makes the aching worse. its a vicious cycle. i am at docs on thursday for blood tests. he is thinking that all this rib pain is fibromyalgia or chostochondrities. i also suffer with reflux and i know some of the aching comes from that, it dosn't stop me fretting tho. so much so i am totally paranoid about it.

hope u get on ok at docs and feel free to pm if u need to.

all the best