View Full Version : Middle of Chest Pain

31-05-12, 10:58
Im getting worked up again:weep: Have pains right in the middle of the chest breastbone area. Its sharp and hurts more when I move certain ways....Of course my HA head is saying Heart Attack but my CBT head is saying anxiety and maybe sore muscles from sleeping funny. Had it since yesterday.......go away HA head

31-05-12, 16:12
I'm having EXACTLY the same problem at the moment. It started off over a week ago when I was experiencing sharp, shooting pains around my sternum/breastbone. It's also starting to move to the left side of the body, and last night I have the most excruciating pain radiating from my left side down to the bottom of my left side.

I'm also thinking heart attack, but I'm sure we would have been dead by now if we had a heart attack!

I'm pretty sure we're both just experiencing anxiety. There's also costocondritis or whatever it's called (sorry don't know the actual name so the spelling there is awful) which a lot of people experience through anxiety and is said to have similar symptoms of what we both have, but is completely harmless. Just irritating.

Just try to keep calm. I know it is extremely hard as I know exactly how you feel at the moment. So if you ever need to talk feel free to PM me.

I hope your symptoms improve soon and keep me updated :)

05-06-12, 14:39
Pains been more off than on lately, but I am trying not to think about it. Thank you for your reply

05-06-12, 22:11
the way your describing your symptoms sounds like they maybe muscular.

when i went to the doctor complaining of chest pain and worrying that was going to have a heart attack the doctor told me that if you can pin point the pain meaning if you feel it in the same place and say where exactly the pain is then your not having one.

thats what he told me.

what i do think tho that if it hurts when you move then i do think that it prob will be muscular i pulled a muscle under my rib cage and i had a pain in my chest that just wouldent go and it was horrible took ages before it went and i was soooo convinced i was going to have heart attack but i never did.

of course im no doctor and couldent say for sure im just saying how it is was for me i hope your feeling betterxxx:)

05-06-12, 23:08
I agree with selphie. It most probably is muscular! Especially with us anxiety sufferers, our muscles will tense up when we get anxious or stressed, causing all of our muscles to eventually damage a little bit.

If you're still worrying, see your doctor. He or she will be able to help you. You could just try taking some pain killers to see if they help.

05-06-12, 23:42
Acid reflux and indigestion causes these type pf pains as well.

06-06-12, 05:49
Hey guys I'm the same every now and then I get very tense muscles in my pectoral muscles and they can be sharp shooting pains and if I rub them or push on the muscles they are so sore! Prob from holding lots of tension etc...

Anyone else get this?

I've had all the heart checks and all good but yeah dosnt mean I don't panic from time to time!!!!

06-06-12, 17:56
No pains today fingers crossed, just so tired for a change lol. Hope everyone is doing better x