View Full Version : Shopping trip ended in tears

lisa p
11-07-06, 13:47

Today I thought I would put the positive me to the test and failed!!

After seeing the hypnotist last week, and him telling me I may not need to see him anymore I thought today I would go into town shopping. The car journey in was a little better, just felt sick not shaky, as I would have normally been. I got lost trying to park the car but stayed quite calm, started to go to the shops but the further away from the car I got the more of a state I got in. I nearly passed out in three of the shops!! I think people thought i'd escaped from the loony farm - every shop I went into I was concentrating so hard on my breathing and talking to myself!!!

I did what I needed to do and came home feeling very tearful and fed up - I just wanted to go once and feel really ok right from the start. The whole eposide has just made me so tired.

On a positive note the school runs last week were really good, no panick so why cant I go and enjoy shopping like I use to!! I would love to go on holiday with the kids the summer but obviously am not up to that yet.

Take care

Love lisapx

11-07-06, 14:11
Sorry to hear that things didn't go as well as you hoped. I find it hard when I think I'm getting better and then I have a bad episode. I think it happens because lots of little things can work together to make one panic. Maybe you didn't sleep as well as you normally do the night before, had some food that disagreed with your emotions (like caffeine or sugar), heard about something scary or depressing on the news, etc. And although your body could handle one such event, handling a few at a time was too much and anxiety is your body's way of telling you so.

Also this was a victory even though you still feel bad. You drove there and even managed to go to a few shops and make it back home by yourself despite your anxiety. You didn't collapse or go mad. And even though you think everyone thought you were an escaped loon; they obviously didn't think too much of it as they didn't call you in. So try to be proud of yourself for this accomplishment. :)

11-07-06, 14:29
Lisa, you did well. I class as any attempt at pusing the boundaries a success. It's just that you expected more from yourself on this occassion.

Repeat this experience and you will find it easier.

That holiday will come!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-07-06, 14:35
Hi Lisa, You did what you needed to do! I class that as a success, you just felt awful doing it. It made me feel dizzy reading all you achieved.You never fainted, you just carried on, I did laugh (sorry) escaped from the looney farm, I so very often walk along talking to myself, it is very embarrassing, i now make out i am humming/singing, or pretend i am on the 'phone. Next time you will feel a little easier and the time after that you will be fine. It is only natural to feel exhausted after feeling so distressed! Take care and keep in touch. p.s I went on holiday when i was feeling at my lowest (panic wise) I coped and enjoyed it! xx

11-07-06, 15:10
Hi Lisa,

I too think of this as a success. You did it! When I fly, which I hate, I am so miserable but I do it. I am not happy doing it but still I do it. Every time it gets a little easier. This will happen for you too. You just have to keep at it. Well done.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

11-07-06, 15:11
I too think you did amazingly well! :D:D:D:D:D:D I get like that sometimes even when I'm with my fiance or sister so for you to have done all that on your own is an enormous achievement!!
Also to Carlin - I had to laugh (in an understanding way) when you said you sing/hum to yourself or pretend to be on the phone.
On the days that I MAKE myself walk to the supermarket, I try and make it look as though I'm frantically texting replies to people when half the time I'm jumping from phonebook to messages to every other function available just to take my mind off what I'm actually doing. I also sing/hum to myself whilst trying to shop which as you say can be embarrassing, specially when you realise someone's behind you! Another thing I find is that, when on my own, I can't browse!! I end up looking like a shoplifter and keep being asked if I need any help![:I] (One day I'm going to have found the courage to turn around and shout
So rather than blending in I end up drawing more attention to myself.
However, having said all that, the feeling of relief - yet achievement - when I get back through the front door is unrivalled. The thing is, a half hour shopping trip has actually taken four hours cos it takes me the first three and a half to get out the HOUSE!!
Best Wishes to you both & I hope this made you smile!:D
B Wolf

11-07-06, 15:49

Well done for trying, thats a good start. Just keep being positive. Perhaps it was a bit too much that time, you could take a friend with you next time and then take it from there and try and go around on your own? Hope this helps.

x x

11-07-06, 16:53
I do the whole mobile thing too!!![:I]:D:D:D

Next time hun go back and sit in the car and take 5 before you decide on what you want to do next. We don't need to be pushing ourselves 24/7. Allow yourself time to sit and regroup your thoughts, as if you did and did your breathing too you would find it calm down of its own accord.

I keep saying it at the mo but I find if I view my outings as practise sessions not test sessions then there is less pressure involved. Also you need to realise on the law of averages there will also be a few other people in that car park or on the trip shopping that are in exactly the same boat.

One of them is ..............................PIGLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-07-06, 19:03
Hey lisa!!
Well done!! remember the important thing is u did it- u did wot u needed to and u didnt turn back b4 dopin them!! forget being tearful and that- just think about the possitive side- u made it and ur still here!!
speak u soon!!

polly daydream
11-07-06, 20:31
Hi Lisa, don't give up hun you will get there in the end, it does take time to build up your confidence but you will do it, shops are very busy places to people who suffer from our condition, I am finding it difficult just to go for a walk on my own, so you are not alone.

Best wishes,

Polly x