View Full Version : Hello everyone

31-05-12, 14:17
Hi all,

Just joined the forum today and after having a read around I figured it was time to introduce myself.

I'm Hannah and i'm 23. I was diagnosed with agrophobia at the end of February this year after being unable to leave my house at the start of February. The feeling started before Christmas when I felt sick on the way to work (have recently discovered that I have emetophobia) and since that day i've panicked going to work, but it had got worse than that and now I can't even go down the street.

I have seen my Doctor and been referred to a councillor who I have seen for approx 4 sessions since the start of March. However, after our last meeting it was decided that he cannot help me the way I want to be helped and has written back to my doctor to possibly suggest something different. In my area there is a place where I can go for CBT, but I cannot get there and they will not visit me. I have my councillor's number and am going to ring him as i've heard nothing from my Doctor concerning the next step. I don't know whether anyone else has had such a hard time getting treatment?!

At the minute now I'm feeling quite lonely, that's why I'm so glad i've found this site with so many people who I can relate to. I live with my partner, but he doesn't understand the way I feel and I find it hard to talk to him and express the way i'm feeling. Things haven't been great for us the last couple of months and i've been blaming myself for the fallout of us. Another thing is we run a business together and because I haven't been able to work we've had to hire another member of staff. I feel like things will never be back to the way they were especially as this 'attack' came out of the blue.

Sorry for rambling on, on my first post! It's a terrible habit I have! I look forward to hearing from you all and your similar experiences. :)

I've struggled with panic attacks when I was a child and didn't spend much time at secondary school because of it.

31-05-12, 14:28
Hi Starmist

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

31-05-12, 14:30
Hi sorry to hear that, I have been a little agrophobic since ive been ill but managed to get out for sessions. I was driven there and walked with someone to the door and even then my hear raced and my legs went weak. Gradually the feelings happened less and now they have gone.
Have you tried being outside with someone else, even just in a garden or walking down the path ?
Its a really horrible thing x

31-05-12, 14:58
I can spend all day in my garden which I suppose is a step in the right direction. My back garden backs onto an old Cemetery and I have been able to go for a few walks in there when the weather was nice. I feel like I am at a stand still now and can't go any further then the lap I take round the Cemetery. I can't even walk the other way up my street. For some reason i've only been out once with another person (mother-in-law) and that was because she sprung it on me and I felt like I didn't have a choice. I feel better going on my own as if I panic I know it's only myself and no other people will be looking at me or my partner want constantly ask me if i'm okay! x

01-06-12, 18:22
Hi Starmist, Ive had agoraphobia for four years , so I empathise with you, just try and do small things to start with (its not as bad as you think0 then build it up gradually, good luck, I know how isolating it can be

02-06-12, 05:10
I also had agoraphobia as a teen. This is a very informative site. Once I looked around I found they have everything here I need to help with the attacks. They even have a CBT program that you can order and do yourself with support. Look in forums for new reports. Or ask Admin. Good luck on this site.:)