View Full Version : Giddiness

11-07-06, 15:48
hi, i've had anxiety for 4 months now but over the last few days i've been getting really randomly giddy even at stupid times in the morning just laughing over little things. does ne 1 else get this or am i going mad??? please help, michelle xxx.[Sigh...]

12-07-06, 22:59
dont think so. U might have a different problem then axiety lol

13-07-06, 10:45
although anxiety can cause dizziness, many dizzy problems are caused from the inner ear. You may have an infection although with ear problems you find they come and go.

13-07-06, 19:58
I've been getting dizzy with my anxiety too. I've had it for about a year. I didn't used to get very dizzy - occasionally i'd get sudden dizziness for a few seconds - just like being *really* drunk, but instantly and for 5 seconds...

Lately I've been feeling lightheaded and giddy all day long. Over the past week I've even been getting this burning sensation where my neck muscles join into my head. Apparently this is all just down to muscle tension - I saw a doctor and he gave me neck stretching exercises to do.

It's worth getting checked out, but it's almost certainly anxiety. It's really frustrating - I was just getting over heart anxiety and this came along. Ah well, it'll go in time, just have to remember not to worry about it too much.