View Full Version : Escitalopram/heart palps

31-05-12, 20:59
Have just discovered the meds I am on (escitalopram) increase the risk of long qt problems (heart rythym issues) .. Am now very tempted to stop them! Would a clear ecg a couple of weeks ago rule this out? Was taking the meds at the time!

02-06-12, 07:55
I was on Celexa when this come through the FDA. I had had a 24 hour monitor shortly before this. I immediately called my docs office and told them I'm extremely concerned and I needed to hear from him. He responded with a long e-mail that I had a beautiful holter monitor reading that I was in no danger and that my heart was just fine.

In the end, since I have a major phobia of heart arrhythmias, I chose to come off as the knowledge of this issue was interfering with it's job.

If you're concerned, call your doctor and talk with them about it. They'll either be able to put your fears to ease immediately because of testing recently or do the testing needed.

02-06-12, 17:07
Don't stop your meds without talking to your Doctor first! Some can have awful withdrawals and it's just not fun, or safe to stop taking them.

Honestly, I think you'll be fine to carry on taking them, but talk it through with your GP. If you're still worried, then perhaps you could change to something else?