View Full Version : Hi, I'm a long term panic attack sufferer

31-05-12, 21:01
Hi, I'm a long term panic attack sufferer. I had my first panic attack in 2000 and I still suffer with them now. The situation has improved at various stages and I've gone from giving up my career to noe going back to work for mind the mental health charity. I've been taking citalopram for many years 40mg and I've recently stated taking clonazepam. I find the clon really helps me to do so much but my fear is that they'll not let me stay on it long term.
I have always carried alcohol in my bag in case of emergencies as I find it calms me down but I rarely use it. It's more of a safety knowing it's there. I do however drink socially as it's the only way I find I can get out of an evening.
I've suffered in the past with anorexia and was a depressed child due to a unsettled childhood.
I'm joining this site to get some advice, meet other sufferers and share some of the things I've experinced. I talk quite openly about my anxiety with people and I run a group for sufferers where I live.

31-05-12, 21:11
Hi JT1978

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-06-12, 05:03
Hello. I am new as well and can relate well to your story. I hope you find lots of help here. I find it a real comfort because I have insomnia from anxiety and can come on here when it gets hard just laying there. Welcome.:)

02-06-12, 20:17
Hi JT1978

This is a fabulous site, full of help and support, welcome :)