View Full Version : I have got to do it but am terrified

11-07-06, 15:59
Yesterday I took my jewellerey that i make into a shop and they started selling them , today i got a phone call that 4 items have already sold and I am really over the moon.
Today I have an appointment with my local library who are setting up a craft shop inside the Library, they want to take a look at my jewellery and I am really nervous because I have just done the school run and nearly took a panic, my husband cant walk at the moment so cant do school runs, shopping or anything else.

I have to leave soon and I think I feel so bad because its so important to me, I feel dizzy but must go because I really want to start earning money as a jewellery designer.....2 outlets in 2 days is amazing but am I up to the job ???


11-07-06, 16:02
Hi Mirry.

Try and stay calm and don't worry, you will be fine. This is a good opportunity for you to sell some of your jewellerey. Just keep telling yourself you can do it and you will be fine. Just take deep breaths and relax. Good luck. Let us all know how it goes mate.

x x

11-07-06, 16:06
Of course you are up for the job. Have a little faith.
You seem to be so well so far!

Good luck x

Hay x

11-07-06, 17:00
If anyone is up to the job then you most certainly are.:D

Come on hun - you can do this, you deserve the recognition for your lovely things and the creative talent you have, now is the time that your labours are rewarded and this is richly deserved.

I can't remember if you have an e-bay shop yet or not but I would love to look at some of your stuff especially any bits using different crystals.

I am right behind you hun, egging you on and as a fellow craftsperson feel this is the nice bit. Plus don't confuse excitement with anxiety either.

Go get em tiger!!!:D:D:D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-07-06, 17:07
Hey hey - well done Mirry - you are amazing - have faith in yourself - you must be soooooo talented - we are proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Girl

11-07-06, 17:52
Im back ! I had to take my 8 year old daughter with me and she sat looking at the books. The lady took me to a side table and talked for ages about how it all works and how much money they take, as she was talking I was very aware of how I was comming across.
Anyway after I showed her my jewellery she agreed to sell my items , I felt so relieved and told her how nice it is to hopefully earn some money.
I told her how anxious I get and I couldnt belive she told me she has a form of agrophobia but feels at home in the library, then she told me she is going to talk to two other Librarys to see if they will also stock my items :D
I know it sounds mad, Im getting so excited and worried but know its my dream. She is also going to speak to the town center Library.....
sorry to go on but its to much lol.

your support has been fab, thanks x

p.s : I will get my own web site hopefully soon for you to see my items, shame we cant have a web site for free advertising for No more panic sufferers ?


11-07-06, 19:55
Oh Mirry that is really good news - a very big well done to you!!!

It's funny but when you start to be a bit open about it all you find there are many fellow sufferers out there!!

Love Piglet x

polly daydream
11-07-06, 20:25
No problem, you can defo do it, think positive mate and you will be fine.

Good luck,

Polly x

11-07-06, 21:38
Hey Mirry thats great news.
Its scary isnt it trying to get your work out there.
I think it is harder for us but we win in the end

I paint a lot of pictures and would like to get a gallery interested. Its just getting the confidence to even go to the gallery so well done you on getting out there and doing it :-)

I have been selling a lot of art on ebay and have just got a commission for 8 paintings so like you I am over the moon but also scared too in case I cant do it or get it wrong.

I think it would be a good idea if we had somewhere on this site that we could put links to our sites. I wonder if the moderators would consider a forum just for that. talking about our crafts etc

Well done again
Pam x

11-07-06, 22:21
Well done Mirry. Thats great news. Am pleased for you. Told you, you could do it! [^]

x x

11-07-06, 22:30

Wow! Well done you - just caught up with this.

Sounds like you have some great leads there so I wish you all the luck in the world.

You coped fantastically.


11-07-06, 22:56
MIRRY,THAT IS FANTASTIC NEWS,WELL DONE!!I am so proud of you,is this the same n mirry who would not go out ,and thought would never get her jewellery off the ground???YOU GO GIRL!!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

11-07-06, 23:49
Hi Mirry,

Well done with your jewellery sales and yep your defo up for it.



12-07-06, 05:54
Here I am awake at 5pm, with a thousand things to do going round in my head lol.

mary, yes this is the same girl who used to panic answering the phone, getting up from her chair, infact i used to panic about turning my head incase i felt dizzy!

I think doing a hobby is so important for us, it allows us to focus on what we are doing instead of focusing on our problems.
A no more panic shop or a craft forum would be great.


Two heads
12-07-06, 10:13
Well done mirry your doing so well!
Keep it up you could go farxxx

12-07-06, 14:11
Oh Mirry, well done, thats a real acheivment. i'm sure you'll be fine, i went for a job interveiw yesterday, felt sick as a dog and really shaky but once i was there i was fine and ended up having a really good laugh with the 2 ladies who were doing the interveiw.

You'll be great and try not to worry too much.


12-07-06, 16:06
TWO HEADS, If I did go far ( I wish)
Id only have agrophobics working for me and would be understanding !

Wouldnt that be nice but id panic with the worry.[xx(]


12-07-06, 16:54
Congrats on this accomplishment! That's really exciting to get to sell something you've made yourself. Great job!