View Full Version : Nausea, anxiety and feeling like crap for days after drinking?

01-06-12, 07:56
So, on Saturday I got really drunk with my friends as we were at a concert and then later went to the pub. Thing is, we drank a few beers on Thursday and on Saturday aswell. Really stupid since I know that anxiety gets worse with it. But been symptomfree for a long time and then, well I guess ones guard comes down and you think "Yeah, why not. I feel allright".

Anyway. Woke up on Sunday, feeling like one does after something like that. It is now Friday and still I feel a bit off. I've heard that other people have felt ill like that (along with anxiety and close to panicattacks, sweating, minor dizziness) for up to a week.

Just need assurance I guess. Anyone else experienced this?

I've decided to never ever drink again. I cant make myself feel like I once did on daily basis out of free will. No way. Im giving it up forever. Its just not worth it and it dont work for me anymore.

All the best to you all. God bless.

01-06-12, 09:40
You don't have to stop drinking, just drink less, keep hydrated and keep your blood sugars up. So eat a good meal and drink water or a soft drink inbeteen the alcoholic drinks.

Alcohol is a poision. It raises your heart rate so can cause anxiety that way.
You get hungry when you drink because it lowers your blood sugar.
You get hangovers due to dehydration. Dehydration can cause anxiety like symptoms.
When you throw up that's your bodies way of trying to get rid of the alcohol, plush some alcohol can be hard on your tummy.

01-06-12, 10:54
Hey mate

I can sympathise. I went out drinking over the last few months because things were so bad with my GF. I went drinking as normal on Friday, had a lot and BANG - Saturday morning I was in full blown panic attack mode untill Monday. I thought I was about to die. Everything came into my head - Missing my ex, my arents dying, hating my job, being alone... all these stupid things. Im still very anxious in between panic attacks. It seems to be fading slightly now but my god, It has been the worst week of my life. I guess all the stress over the last 6 months has just made my body go haywire and say '' enough '' if that makes sense? So I can very much sympathise but im feeling a bit better each day so it will pass. Just watch what you drink dude.

Good luck


01-06-12, 11:03
Hi Johansaken

I am a recovering alcoholic and yes I have had binges where a week later I was still shaking, sweating and the usual crazy thoughts. It will pass some people's bodies do not process alcohol as quickly as others. I am one of them I have been sober 5/6 years yet when my anxiety is there I can feel like a drink. I think someone did say if you can moderate your drinking then next day your symptoms might be okay. If on the other hand you are like me and you just keeping drinking until the party stops then you will probably have all those horrible anxiety symptoms. I hope you feel better soon and take care....


01-06-12, 15:02
I have almost completely stopped drinking as over the last couple of years I have really gone off the feelings it gives me both while drunk and the following day, if i do go out, which is rare, such as tonight for a staff thing, i have to be careful, i either drive or i take really slow, stay super relaxed, and make sure i have no plans the following day.

01-06-12, 18:39
Yeah.. Im like that. Just didnt know went to stop. Never knew how. Im gonna leave it all behind. This last time was an isolated incident that reminded me of the hell I once visited. Im giving it away. Sober for that long. Awesome mate. Well done. :-)

chrisalexander. I hear you mate. Its hell. I always think when will I ever learn. This time I did and nothing in the world will ever make me touch that again. Hope you are feeling better. Watch some good movies and take care of yourself. :-)

well done sarah. Its just not worth it anymore. I wanna thank you guys for sharing. Makes me feel better knowing im not the only one..

Much love. God bless

01-06-12, 18:50
im exactly the same.
i only drink once a week on sat as soon as i take my first drink my ectopics come on as the night goes on an i have more drink they go and im able to enjoy my night.

sunday morning i feel really scared and shaky unleast until the monday where i start to feel better but until then i spend my sunday sitting on the sofa feeling dizzy and really sick but i dont learn i do it all again the next week because when i drink its the only time im not worriedxx:blush:

01-06-12, 21:30
Hi Johan, I have been there as well, for a few years I was drinking nearly every day and the weekends were one long drinking binge. Then I would wake up on a Monday morning in a complete state, fear, panic, anxiety, paranoia, feeling sick, shaking. I knew I couldn't take it any more, I told my friends, some of them had similar feelings but with me it was worse and I had to go to the doctor to seek help.

To cut a long story short, I have pretty much stopped drinking, its the best thing I could have done, my life is much more stable without alcohol, I enjoy a bottle of beer now and again but that's it.

If I could give any advice to anyone who is going through what I did or similar it would be to stop drinking because its a very dangerous route to go down, I had no idea just how much alcohol can affect the mind, it was scary.

Anyway good luck with your recovery.

01-06-12, 21:49
Hi Johansaken

Thanks Johansaken to be honest it is not always been easy. You sound like you dipped your feet in again and realised it is just the same as it was before. I am glad you a feeling better and wish you all the best. :)

Take care


01-06-12, 23:26
Harvestmouse. Yeah had all of those this week. All of em. And it sucks so bad
.And like you. I just cant take it anymore. Alcohol screws with your mind bad. Slowly getting better. After a nap this afternoon i told myself i will beat this thing.Im really sensitive in so many ways that alcohol just ruins me. Gonna tell my friends that Im unable to aswell.

@Selphie: I recognize your way of thinking. But for me its just now worth it anymore. A few hours of getting a break from worry. Prize? Climb out of anxiety, panic, paranoia, fear, horror, sorrow, shame, grief for days and days.

@Steven: Yeah, I know it aint easy. I know it wont be either. I've never drank at a daily basis. But still it will be hard. I know it will be. And yeah. I realized its just not worth it no more. :)

It is now Saturday and when evening arrives its been a week. And it took a week exactly to get back to myself. All is not well. Minor traces of anxiety still, still feel a bit "weak". Atleast I slept through the night without remembering any nightmares (which followed me throughout the week). Sweating stopped. Yet, some physical symptoms remain. As I knew they would. In time, this will pass aswell.

05-06-12, 22:24
for me tho its the only time i can have a period of calm and ease when im drinking and with my friends i do know what you mean tho is it worth it when sunday you feel so bloody bad it isint a good prize.
theres a lot of people who drink and are fine the next day but i am just not one of them my nerves just get so bad the next day and i always tell myself that i wont be drinking anymore i just cant seem to stick to itxxx:)

02-09-14, 09:24
Hi, I'm new to these forums but just felt like I needed to unload. I suffer with a lot of the same problems. Alcohol has been a problem for me since I was 16. I dont drink every day, but when I do I go crazy! Problem is, my body reacts very badly to alcohol. This means 3 day hangovers, vomitting for days, throwing up blood, migraines and aching muscles all over. Yet, give me a week and I'll do it all again. Have tried to stop so many times and even tho I know its likely to kill me, I cant. Its my coping mechanism for my anxieties and without it I'm a different type of wreck...

Ive read what everyone else is saying. For me, I cant have just one drink. It starts a chain reaction that never ends well! Its all about quitting completely, but that thought terrifies me. My friends are my life, but they are all big drinkers and think Im just being stupid. They dont understand the pain Im in. Its very tough! I find it difficult to talk to my family about, plus its ruined every relationship Ive had. Hope, I can change, maybe you guys can help! Paul

02-09-14, 13:01
Is this really true...