View Full Version : Feeling Normal ?

01-06-12, 10:31
anyone ever had a panic over feeling normal ive felt ok all morning and then just thinking about it got me in abit of a panick because i thought there was somthing wrong witch in its own respect is abit weird.

anyone else dealt with this ?:mad:

01-06-12, 10:53
Hi Terror -x

Never had a panic attack about it...but I know what you mean....I think the body is not used to the anxiety levels being low. To me it sounds a good thing as your anxiety is falling. I have felt weird about feeling ok....as it seems unusual for me. I guess the more familiar you get with the normal feeling you will adjust. Hope things are okay for you anyway and take care...


01-06-12, 12:20
I know what you mean, sometimes feeling normal is such an unusual feeling it feels wrong, which is kind of weird. Similiar when really relaxed (rare I know)..it feels weird too.

01-06-12, 12:44
Yup. If I get that "normal" feeling, it freaks me out!

Never lasts though.

01-06-12, 12:50
yes it gave me abit of a panic this morning just starting to feel better now

01-06-12, 17:28
If you're feelin good, then you're feeling good. If your thoughts interrupt this, no matter how rare it may be, you need help. Although my avg day is not that bad, I still need help. And if I cannot appreciate a good day, then put me in an institution
(12 Monkeys style)

---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:27 ----------


01-06-12, 22:49
Hi, I can totally relate to this also. I havent had my anxiety as long as others , approx 6 months but when I feel normal its like I feel I shouldnt be that way and then the more I think about it the more the anxiety creeps back so its like a vicious circle. I'm pleased to say though that this feeling IS getting less, just taking one day at a time and hoping I can have more normal days without worrying about it :) xx

03-06-12, 00:23
I've had my anxiety for about 11. Years angelheart it's not good

03-06-12, 10:00
It may happen because we are so used to analyse ourselves and we are trained in detecting every little sign of anxiety. I have a feeling that people who are not experienced by prolong anxiety are busy with doing stuff and they do not think so much. So maybe make a good plan of various activities for all day (till late evening) and enjoy.:yahoo:

03-06-12, 13:22
I can totally relate to this, as it's recently happened to me. I was doing well for a week, which I started questioning myself if its normal to feel happy/neutral and not anxious, which got me googling and came across "Bi-polar" which scares the utter crap out of me. And woke up the next day anxious & panicky as hell worrying about having it.

I think its because were scared to have that normal feeling taken away from us. Which makes us over analyse everything we do.

03-06-12, 14:20
I have, sometimes I think to myself, 'why am I OK today, the anxiety should be here and it's not'. My brain forces me to take backwards steps, as though I should only live me life through panic/anxiety. It is conditioning, we have conditioned our brains to believe that the anxious state is the normal state of mind, how wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

04-06-12, 10:08
I am also the same! Although I don't have a panic attack over it. If I'm not feeling anxious when I get up or throughout the day I think what's wrong with me? Why am I feeling 'normal'! I think cos we live our lives thinking it's okay to be anxious when we're okay we think it's wrong!!