View Full Version : going out

01-06-12, 15:06
i always post this...but i'm going out tonight!! aarrgghh...i have real issues with going out these days. Sometimes im ok if it's with my close friends, tonight is with some work collegues none of whom know about my anxiety and who are younger than me and quite drinkers!
I'm trying to stay positive and actually look forward to it and stop stressing..

i may post later with an update!!

01-06-12, 18:02
good luck Sarah, at least you can try, if you dont enjoy it or feel uncomfortable then you can go home but try , you might enjoy it:winks:

02-06-12, 17:19
Well as it turns out i had a really enjoyable night!no anxiety!!!and i rolled in at 3.45 this morning ; )
So, i have proved to myself i can do it!!

i hope everyone else night was ok
sarah x