View Full Version : Too scared to take the antibiotics!

11-07-06, 17:30
Hi everyone

So I am not alone - there are loads of us suffering from anxiety. I have suffered most of my life and if it had been up to me we would still be living in caves cos I would have been too frightened to come out of it!! Anyway, I could do with some help! I have been to the dentist today (yes, I actually got there!) and have been given antibiotics. Trouble is, I have read all the side effects and am now too frightened to take them. HELP

11-07-06, 17:36
Hi Jilly.
I was given antibiotics from the dentists a couple of years ago & didnt have any side effects. The worst i ever usually get with antibiotics for anything is stomach cramps. But not horrendous ones.
Obviously every one is different & they could be different antibiotics but i had to go back to the dentist friday because i had the same symptoms back again & was quite keen to get the antibiotics again but he said i didnt have it as bad this time but honestly i didnt have any probs with them before.
Just remember if you get any symptoms you will know its just the pills, but they are very rare.
Caz xxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

11-07-06, 18:30
Hi Jilly, your post did make me smile (sorry), still living in a cave!!!!! You have done so well going to the dentist, now...throw away the leaflet that came with the tablets, and take them NOW!!! and that is an order. I can almost guarantee you will have no side effects, the only thing that will happen is your mouth will get worse if the infection does not get treated. If you need any re-assurance please ring your dentist for advice. take care and more importantly take the tablets. xxxx

polly daydream
11-07-06, 21:45
Hi Jilly and welcome, I'm sure you will be absolutely fine with the antibiotics hun, I have had them a few times without an side effects. Most people rarely get the side effects printed, they just have to cover there backs.

Best wishes,
