View Full Version : dry mouth dr not even worried

01-06-12, 16:31
So ive not posted in a while, but my latest symptom really getting the better of me, ive got a constant dry mouth, im not thirsty or dehydrated but my tongue feels constantly dry. ive just been to docs who was lovely but didnt even examine me, he listened to me and was very very supportive but all i have come away with is a referal to a mental health team, im sure he thinks im nuts and he would be right because thats how i feel, i told him my concerns over diabetes/cancer and he said he wouldnt even test me. Has anybody else suffered with this dry mouth its the most horrible feeling ive ever had :-(

01-06-12, 18:53
He doesn't think you are mad. He has diagnosed you with anxiety and has referred you for CBT. He sounds like a good doctor to me!

Dry mouth is a fight/flight response.

01-06-12, 19:16
I had dry mouth for the first time last week and i was quite scared by it. I know exactly what you mean you can still feel fluid coming into your mouth so you know its isnt like seizing up but your tongue feel horrible and sticky and dried out. It made me feel like it would stick to something, the only way i have been able to relieve it when its at is worse is too clean my teeth and it seems to ease. I find tea or coffee at the end of the day make it worse x

01-06-12, 19:28
A lot of meds can cause drymouth if either of you are on anything


01-06-12, 19:38
Like a lot of fight/flight symtoms it can come and go and be replaced by other symptoms.

01-06-12, 20:51
f it reassures you at all, ive had it for 6 weeks now. it goes away when im out and with people and comes back with a vengence when im alone. Assuming the other persons reply stating its fight or flight, is correct, it would make sense of my problem. it seems to me that my awareness of it is the only thing that keeps it there, because when im doing something else it goes away.

02-06-12, 01:19
Do you smoke?
A lot of meds can cause it too.
Maybe try some sour chewing gum.

A dry mouth really isn't medically significant .
It can also be caused by anxiety.

Things like antihistamines will make it worse.
It could be the hot weather too so make sure to drink enough water.

02-06-12, 01:37

09-05-14, 21:32
Arrhhhh I've got this again :(

09-05-14, 22:43
Aren't you pregnant? I had a very dry mouths when I was preggo.

10-05-14, 07:02
Nooo im not pregnant lol x

14-05-14, 00:41
Sorry there is someone else on here with a tinker bell that is pregnant :)

14-05-14, 10:05
I expect most anxious people experience dry mouth. Mine is always dry and has been for years I think.

14-05-14, 12:44
A dry mouth can be result of the following
1. Anxiety symptom. If you are anxious and have been for a while, your mouth will get dry.

2. You are drinking too much water. You are supposed to have a colour to your urine, if yours is as clear as water you are drinking too much. Drinking to much can make your mouth dry and cause the feeling of being thirsty - but it is not thirst it is just a dry mouth