View Full Version : Want control back

01-06-12, 19:56
Hi I have posted before last year was suffering badly with health anxiety went to doctors and was put on a one to one with the mental health nurse . After 6 sessions felt alot better and
Thought great cracked it goodbye anxiety . What I was going through this I was also seeing a doctor about some stomach problems I had which was discomfort diahorra a few times a day whilst looking for the cause I had a blood test to see if anything came up my alt enzymes in my liver where 60 which is twice the normal level I was then screened for hepitatas which came back clear then was told to leave it or three months to see if my stomach settled down i returned three months later and gave
More blood and my alt levels where 60 again. Now I was getting a little anxious now as the doctor has booked me in for a scan now which is
On the 19th june. I now feel dicomfort in right upper side the liver area and i am constanty worried i have something big wrong with me cancer etc I still have the diahorra and stomach upsets but now have panic attacks returned I'm convicts something is wrong with me and am finding it hard to separate the feelings as our these feelings because I am not well or caused by anxiety tension etc... I just needed to offload and would appreciate some shared experiences advice etc



02-06-12, 00:11
Is this level alcohol related Phil? I know some are with liver tests

02-06-12, 01:22
Common liver issues can be caused by alcohol or obesity, or using too many drugs such as painkillers.
My friend had a mild infection caused by a gall stone that elevated her liver levels.
So it really could be something treatable :)

02-06-12, 01:46
I had elevated liver levels a while back but I was on so much medication it's a wonder my liver didn't run away. I decided then and there that I needed to get better myself or they were going to kill me. Quality of life was ridicules , you can take control. If you have a lot of stress in your life it can kill your stomach bacteria, that and meds. I will pray for you and hope all goes well with the tests.:flowers: