View Full Version : Survivor

02-06-12, 05:53
Hello I am a month in from joining this site and finally feel I can unload a bit of what has brought me here. I grew up with a lot of sadness, anger, violence ,alcohol abuse. I was sexually assaulted at 4 years old so I feel I was destined to take this path from the beginning, not that I am happy about that, and I am no longer resigned to it either. I have finally come to the conclusion that this is something I need to embrace and deal with it. In saying that , it isn't easy , it is still scary but the reasons why are written in my life and because I have made it this far tells me I am a survivor and I may feel terrible things , but I am still here to give love and support to those I love and to those I do not know. I am here to finally see myself as a beautiful person with so much to give and receive and that is something that for most of my life I lost. So please ,when you look at yourselves and see the person you most do not want to be because you are suffering and scared . When you want to wipe out the sight of yourselves in the mirror STOP KEEP LOOKING and say to yourself " no matter what happens, or how low I feel, I will love you through it".:flowers:

02-06-12, 06:28
Hi waunder

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-06-12, 11:17
"...When you want to wipe out the sight of yourselves in the mirror STOP KEEP LOOKING and say to yourself " no matter what happens, or how low I feel, I will love you through it".

Well said that Member. :yesyes:

02-06-12, 16:16
Well said that Member. :yesyes:

Same as the above !! :yesyes:

07-06-12, 06:00
Thank you all.:)