View Full Version : Not Coping with life...

02-06-12, 11:34
Hey all,

Im Zoe. Where do i begin..
Well, my friend told me about this site, and i have been a member for 3 days. I have been digonised with deppresion by my doctor before, to afriad to go onto antideppresants. I lost my dad 4 years this november to cancer.. i guess that is were i really started going down hill. never really got over it. Now i just found out my catering career is over due to medical reasons... i lost my grandad and uncle. I am constintly worring about my mum, and i feel totally lost in my life. i lost who i am. i am not who i was. i have lost sense of balance in life and feel i have no reason to be here. I feel i have nothing. Nothing to call my own. I cant find a way out of this dark place i am in. I am not happy. I have nightmares and vivid images of my dad passing and i cant escape them. all this has lead me to selfharming as such. Im putting so much stress on everyone around me that i just want to crawl into a hole and never return.
Help me please!

02-06-12, 11:46
Hi Leavana161109

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-06-12, 12:37
welcome to no more panic

02-06-12, 12:41
you should get some conselling to help with all the emotion , ref your dad passing etc... and maybe if the depression is really bad you should consider meds for a bit, just so you can cope better and work through it all and get your life back on track.

02-06-12, 13:33
so sorry to hear you feel so bad .:hugs:

02-06-12, 14:43
Hi Zoe. Im new here but i cant relate to how your feeling, I also lost my Dad to cancer and I know how awful it feels. I dont have loads of advice but Medication has helped me a lot and also councilling has too. Maybe consider trying these? I hope to hear from you again x

02-06-12, 21:07
Im in councling atm, but it doesnt really help. I am scared to go on antideppresants :(

02-06-12, 21:18
Hi there,
Sorry to hear you've had a hard time lately. How long have you been having counselling? I personally have found that it hasn't worked for me and when I was offered anti depressants I was young and after I took it I felt immediately better. Two days later I was back to the old ways, think it was a placebo effect. This is just my opinion. Maybe you need some more sessions or longer ones? May I ask why you're scared to go on the anti depressants? Stay strong x

03-06-12, 21:02
much of my fear is side effects, i have selfharmed and dont want to feel worse which could lead me to do more. I dont want to put on tremendous amount of weight either. I know very little about antideppressents but i know they have a lot of side effects

03-06-12, 21:22
Hi, just wanted to say hello, and I hope you feel better soon. Perhaps you could talk to your GP about side effects, then you would be in a position to weigh up the pros and cons. Good luck

03-06-12, 22:31
I would discuss side effect fears about antidepressents with your GP, so he can monitor you if you take them. Also, explain your concerns about possible weight gain and your self harming, so he can guide you in the right direction.

Some people do not have negative side effects from antidepressants, especially if they have not taken medication before.

People only post the problems they are having with antidepressents, they do not tell you when they are working well...

03-06-12, 23:53
People only post the problems they are having with antidepressents, they do not tell you when they are working well...

Never a truer word spoken. Before I took Citalopram 4 years ago, after extensive research on the internet, I was even more anxious about taking it. I waited 5 days with my prescription in hand before taking my first tablet. The only real side effect I have had is itchy skin, and so I realised that much of what I read on the internet was the negative stuff.

Anti depressants are there to help lift your mood, or reduce anxiety, or indeed both. They do work for many people, and are always worth trying. I know its difficult, but it is worth taking the plunge, because many people get no side effects, and if they do, most get mild ones for a short period of time. When you are depressed or anxious, the benefits of taking them often outweigh any mild side effects. Good luck :)