View Full Version : now ime worried !!!

02-06-12, 11:58
i read an article on the internet about panic attacks by some phsycologist and she said that she used to tell people that you can't die from a panic atttack and that she no longer says this as it is possible as the heart can go in to an irregular rhythm. Now this has got me really worried because my panic attacks have come back with a vengeance lately especially the heart racing. i have never read this anywhere else and have always believed them to be scary but harmless. Just looking for a bit of reassurance really.

Tracey x

02-06-12, 12:46
yes there has been some study on this... but they are not sure if its due to people already having an existing heart problem, and the panic attacks bringing those problems to light. But i have read older woman are at risk of heart/stroke as menopause as well can cause panic attacks.
Personally ive always thought panicking cant be good for your heart, and if you believe it too , then you really need to get help with what causes your panic.
Theres no point worrying yourself even more, see your gp and get checked out if your really concerned about your heart.

02-06-12, 20:23
You're fine! As far as I know, the heart is a rather strong organ, so you'll be surprised that there's no damage done while having a racing heart or palpitations due to anxiety and panic.

I recommend checking out the Health Anxiety section.

03-06-12, 11:12
thanx for replying. i think i knew that anyway after all the years of panic attacks i've had. shouldn't read crap on the internet lol !!!

Tracey x