View Full Version : been really really stupid please reply

02-06-12, 14:13
I cheated on my partner without protection, the guy swears he has nothing but I have booked in for an std test anyway but I am terrified of hiv!!!! I am just so scared he mite not no he has it or something? I mean he could have and not no so I could have it!! I am going out of my mind .... Can anyone realte

02-06-12, 14:41
Your doing the right thing by going to get checked out. also maybe do a pregnancy test to make sure.Im sure all is fine tho. :-) Goodluck xx

02-06-12, 14:44
Is hiv a common thing?? I am so scared xx

02-06-12, 15:04
No hun its not, the chances are extremely low! Honestly stop panicking but go to get checked out to put your mind at rest xx

02-06-12, 15:14
Hi Im sure you will be ok hiv is very rare, how many people do you know who has it or knows someone that has it ?
You must get it checked for your own safety and peace of mind, I think there is a drug they can offer as well if they thought there was any risk. Also im pretty sure the hiv is an instant result now from a test. So go along for peace of mind x

03-06-12, 01:26
HIV is not common but even so it's good your getting tested as there is a small but potential risk IF and only if the guy even had it, as protection was not used.

The drugs used to greatly decrease the chance transmission is a combination of three anti-HIV meds but must be started within 72 hours.

I would say that you will probably be fine as the HIV virus is really quite fragile and not that easy to transmit.


03-06-12, 07:29
HIV is unlikely, but there are lots of other things you could have picked up, so get tested for everything. Also don't have any sexual contact with your parnter until you are given the all clear or anything you may have could get passed on to him.

Mr Brownstone
03-06-12, 10:02
You cannot find out if you have HIV until 3 months after the incident. Although its unlikely you have caught it, you wont find out any time soon unfortunately.

03-06-12, 10:52
That is true, they reckon they cant test to pick it up for 90 days since infection ( if you have been infected ) - more reason to be extra careful with your partner as if you pass anything onto him, he will soon know you have cheated

03-06-12, 15:06
There are two different types of test for HIV. One detects antibodies to the virus, the other detects the virus it self. Both need time to work. The usual test people get involves antibody testing.

The minimum time to test is 6 weeks post potential exposure or post PEP (post exposure prophylaxis) treatment.

The result at 6 weeks is highly indicative of your status but as the others have said a confirmatory test at 3 months is needed and final.

Don't fret too much Bexy, the chances infection is quite small from this single incident.


03-06-12, 17:30
Thanks I feel better, the chances of the guy having it are small, he has only recently come out of a long term faithful realationship with kids, but I think my anxiety is taking over me at the moment..... And I no from just one single incident even if someone was infected the chances are small anyway xx