View Full Version : Any form of travel, including the need to urinate.

02-06-12, 17:20
I'm a fairly healthy 23 year old, and have worked for the same company since I was 18. I'm doing really well in my career, have my own place and a great girlfriend.

However. I started getting anxious symptoms in Feb 2011, and this started as my awareness of my breathing, which then led to panic attacks. It was around this time that I started driving lessons and passed my test 8 weeks later. I also went on numerous car journeys with my ex, so it clearly wasn't an issue then. My thought patterns have increased, I never switch off. I rarely have actual panic attacks these days (I was inches away from one today but more about that later). I'm not on any continual medication for the symptoms. But I have one CBT session a week.

Here's the recurring problem: for me, any form of travelling is a huge deal now. I admit that I have allowed it to be more so over the past 5 months by avoiding the need to travel anywhere. What happens is, leading up to me having to use a bus, a taxi, a train or a car, I really wind myself up, going to the toilet many times to try and completely empty my bladder BECAUSE when I'm in a vehicle for any longer than 5/10 minutes, I freak out, my mind goes in to overdrive, I start getting the insane urge to pee, and then I worry that I'm going to wet myself, then the adrenaline surges my heart through my chest to my shoulders and arms. I sometimes can't breath properly.

Last weekend, I did a few experiments. I got on a train to a nearby place to do a bit of shopping - at my own pace, with noone else there. 2 days later, I rode 4 buses around my town and both of these experiments worked; I was fine. I also managed 2 car journeys without irrational thoughts. Sadly, this weekend was my turn to visit my girlfriend in London, and I'm really rubbish on the tubes. I have to count down the stops, and go via Kings Cross because I know where the toilet is there. I thought I'd made good progress, and was on the road to recovery but my near-miss panic attack today made me think otherwise. The doctor prescribed me with low dose diazepam just in case and I had no option but to take one. I also use cocodamol frequently to 'chill' me out, but it sometimes doesn't work (also is highly addictive). I'm feeling like I've taken ten steps back from where I thought I was with my recovery, and I'm heartbroken. I can't live my life like this anymore, it's wearing me thin.

06-06-12, 19:39
Hi, I just wanted to say congrats about the progress with the train and bus rides, you seem to be forgetting that brilliant progress u have made.
Try not concentrate on that one negative aspect, many people would feel edgy about getting on the tube. Including myself. You know u can do it and if counting the stops helps do that.
I'm constantly worried about travelling also and have the same toilet issues but honestly once you get there you will feel proud.
Good luck, keep your chin up the progress your making is brill so remember that :D

06-06-12, 19:43
I second what wishfullthinker said - you've made good progress on the train and bus, so try not to beat yourself up for not being able to run before you can walk confidently.
I have a similar thing, except that I worry about being sick while travelling. Keep plugging away and you will get there. You're doing brilliantly!