View Full Version : Peak flow

02-06-12, 17:21
i know i have posted about saying my peak flow reading but i was wondering if anyone could either give me an idea or tell me site or something of what my peak flow should be please? Sites i have found seem to me specifically for asthma sufferers and i have been givin a peak flow meter to do morning and night for 10 days from the doctors because of how much i feel breathing is restricted everyday etc.

Im 24 and im 5'5 and im about 112 pounds in weight.

my best reading i can get so far (after 7 days) is 350 but its usually 340.
Also my readings seem to be better at night than they are in the morning.

please can someone give me some advice? I have also set myself into panic mode because on some sites i found females older than me seem to have much higher readings and they even have asthma. and when they said they have a reading about 350 they are in red zone and require immediate medical attention,.. well mines that so is it telling me i need help now? i really dont get it and im at my wits end, i wont even walk fast or barely move fast because i dont want to get more breatheless and short of breath.

02-06-12, 17:24
Hi Sorry I can't help here but thought I'd reply, I'm sure your fine, you'd know in yourself If u felt seeiously unwell xx

04-06-12, 13:52
I have asthma/light copd and I'm ashamed to say a smoker:blush: My peak flow is 360. When I have a chest infection it can go as low as 200:huh:

...and before anyone gives me a hard time over the smoking, I have tried many times but my anxiety & fears makes me reach for that darn packet:huh:

Trish x

---------- Post added at 13:52 ---------- Previous post was at 13:42 ----------

...forgot to add that peak flow meters are just a guide, everyone's lungs are different, so please don't worry too much.

Other factors like damp weather and hot humid weather can affect your breathing and of course anxiety.

Do you have inhalers?

Trish x

04-06-12, 22:36
How have you got a peak flow meter?? It doesn't sound as if you have been diagnosed with asthma???

Drs use a set of criteria that includes your age and height and sex that gives a normal range. Also depending on how old your peak flow meter is as the one I have is about 15 yrs old and the new ones are callibrated differently now.

If you are at all worried then just visit your Gp and they can do the test and tell you if you are in the normal range.

Believe me if you really have any problem with your lungs you would know about it.

05-06-12, 12:28
sorry for late replies.. i dont have an inhaler no, and i have a peak flow meter off the doctor to monitor for ten days, and now my highest is 370 but overall 340 and it hurts my chest so bad when doing i, but i definitly find it hard to breathe all the time

06-06-12, 12:22
Keep a record as you have been asked to do and see what your Dr says. He may refer you to a chest clinic where they have much more sensitive machines for measuring lung function or he may try you with an inhaler if he thinks asthma is a problem.

Your lung function does appear lower than it should be but again I don't have the chart that works out what it should be for your age and height or the callibration of your peak flow meter.

Did your Dr tell you what your peak flow range should be??