View Full Version : fleas

02-06-12, 19:59
my friend found fleas on his dog when i was round their today
i petted him can i get ill from it/?

02-06-12, 20:02
my friend found fleas on his dog when i was round their today
i petted him can i get ill from it/?

NO is the short answer to that! you have got nothing to worry about.

02-06-12, 20:06
no you might have got bit but you'll be fine xx

02-06-12, 20:34
if you'd been bitten you would have an itchy red lump but thats the worse that can happen and it would go in a day or so


02-06-12, 20:55
You won't get ill at all! The worst those little things do is give you a good bite! It will go down within a day, but I can't imagine one pat of the dog you'd get one on you! My cats recently had an outbreak due to the hot weather and the neighbour cutting the long grass (even though they are flea'd monthly) they managed to get some! I was bitten once and that was it! You'll be fine :D

02-06-12, 20:57
You'll be fine. A few years ago, my cats got fleas and I got bitten a couple of times. I'm still here to tell the tale!

Pip x

blue October
02-06-12, 21:11
Hi Em.ma

I have three cats and a dog fortunately all flea free now.

At their worst they all had them. My ankles got covered in bites, i never got anything worse than itching.

If you do find a flea on yourself try and catch it (between finger and thumb) and put it in water as they are very hard to kill otherwise.

BO x

02-06-12, 23:49
when i was younger i used to have flea bites all over my legs to the point where my school thought i had chicken pox lol, i had to wear long socks because when they went away i just got bitten all over again, my legs were always covered in them. so it's really nothing to worry about even if you do get bitten xx

03-06-12, 01:36
They just itch like buggery.

08-06-12, 14:04
not been on for a while
thanks you didnt even get a bite yay x