View Full Version : Another Saturday night alone...

02-06-12, 21:15
Hi there everyone.
Feeling sad tonight and have no one to talk to so I thought i'd post to you all.

My other half has been at work today until lunch time (we own our own business) he popped home at 1.30 and swiftly told me he was going to pick up a prescription for his mother then meet a friend for a 'quick' drink. He came home at 5.30pm. He reminded me that a friends wedding reception was tonight and he had to make an appearance which I understood.

Before he went out we decided to get our snake Jake out for a run around, I mentioned to him that there was a Reptile Club meeting at the local hotel tonight and 'scaly friends' were invited. He suggested taking Jake and show him off. Of course I said no. He kept pestering me every 5 minutes kept asking me to go. I haven't been out since February and by this time my heart was pounding I was also trying to eat my tea and was feeling sick. I snapped at him, I told him to leave me alone until I had finished eating. Of course when I had finished he was back on it again. I can't explain to him the way I feel, it's like I can't find the words..does anyone feel like this?

He went and got showered and ready to go to the Wedding. While he was upstairs his phone rang and it was his friends he met earlier at the pub asking when he would be back down the pub with them. In my mind my thoughts were racing. He's not going to this wedding, he's going into town and what if he meets someone else? (He had expressed his concerns of our lack of communication and how he was getting stuck in a rut as I am not making any progress). He then told his mate that he was going out tomorrow with his friend in the afternoon and then into town in the evening as they're lighting the beacon for the Jubilee. I am feeling so lonely. I don't want him to have to stay in with me every weekend because I can't go out, but I can't remember the last time we didn't spend more than 4 hours alone and just did stuff round the house like normal people?! I fear I will lose him because of this. I know he loves me unconditionally and I him, but how can we live a life where I am indoors all the time?? *Sigh*...

Sorry for such a long post, I don't even know what my point of it was. Hope you're all having a more enjoyable evening then I am :unsure:

02-06-12, 22:16
You're definately not alone in finding it hard to express what it's like to be going through this sort of thing.
I find that even though i've been with my other half for little over 5 years now I still find it impossible to explain to him what i'm going through. He knows, but I find it hard to express how much of a struggle it is just to do silly everyday activities.

I just thought i'd send a little post to remind you that you're resoloutely not alone in feeling this way.
Not sure if i helps, but the sentiment it there :P.

02-06-12, 22:44
Hey sorry to hear that, I feel similar to you sometimes. I always send my boyfriend out without me! I'm exploring this at therapy, no answers yet. I don't feel anxious about going out, I just can't be bothered - I never have a good time anyway and then end up looking miserable. That said we do things together all the time on our own so I guess I don't worry in the same way. I know he'd like me to be more social but I won't go out to make him happy any more than I'd ask him to stay in to make me happy. Hope you can find something the two of you can do together, and that you can get some help in to getting you out and about. x

04-06-12, 09:48
Thank you both for you replies. We spent the day together yesterday playing games and watching the Queen's pageant on the tv. It was like we reconnected a bit, just by being together!

Lindy - Before I became agoraphobic I never enjoyed doing what my partner did. He's a social butterfly and goes to the pub most days over the weekend. I enjoyed it sometimes, but there were nights were I was like I can't be bothered! Most of the time he was off chatting to all his friends and I was sat on my own, so I know why I never enjoyed going! I've never been the girl who goes out every Saturday partying til all hours, but he has. I feel rather grown up for my age (i'm 23) and I feel he acts like a teenager at times he's 8 years older than me and sometimes I wish he'd grow up!! He has stayed in a lot since i've been ill and we have friends over quite a bit!

We used to enjoy going out Saturday and Sunday afternoons to the garden centres or clothes shopping! I miss all that and wish things were back to normal so we could do this!! Going to ring the councillor on Wednesday and see about getting someone else to see me!