View Full Version : citalopram

02-06-12, 22:47
I have been taking citalopram for 10 weeks and have lost a lot of weight. Has anyone else experienced this. Can't afford to lose weight-never weighed much in the first place. I'm on 20mg daily. starting to feel really anxious and panicky. Also have palpitations. Can someone help me please.

02-06-12, 22:58
Hi Jessie, it's not uncommon to lose a lot of weight when starting AD's, particularly as they can make us feel so rough for a while and we may end up eating poorly, or very little.

I've lost over 2st in the last few months due to meds and illness (although I could afford too) and keep meaning to get some Complan, maybe you could give that a try.

03-06-12, 09:53
Hi Jessie

I had the same problem for quit awhile at the biggining of taking these tablets
But I had to cut down a bit as they were making my anxiaty worse which made me not want to eat.

Or this can happen if the dose is not settled down yet if it carrys on much longer go and speak to the GP.

You will get there in the end it can just take time.


03-06-12, 15:33
I totally loose my appetite the first few weeks of Citalopram. I don't think it is the drug itself that causes it but the heightened anxiety from the drug that twists my stomach into knots.

I can report my appetite always has come right back with a vengeance when my anxiety subsides.

There are plenty of weight gain supplements that can be mixed into milk shake type drinks that can be easier to take if you don't feel like eating.

