View Full Version : can anxiety cause this? Please help

11-07-06, 20:49
I'm sorry everyone - know I've already asked this but I'm panicikng again.

Just how sensative is the stomach to health anxiety? I have been a HA sufferer for many years and on Friday, just after getting the great news that my testicular ultrasound was clear I went to the movies. A short time later my stomach started hurting and it hasnt stopped. My wife is convinced that it's from the doughnuts and the huge bucket of popcorn I ate. She thinks that I got the stomache for perfectly natural reasons but beacuse of my anxiety, my mnind is holding on to it. Is that possible? I'm terrified it's stomach cancer. I'm only 38.

11-07-06, 20:57
For me, I always start to suffer from aches and pains sometime after whatever the stressor was. Its like a delayed reaction.

11-07-06, 21:02
Hi there, firstly, I can imagine how relieved you and your wife are with your scan results. How fantastic. I believe that with this awful health anxiety, we get the all clear from one part of our body and our mind then decides to move onto something else. Stomach problems are definately a major part with anxiety. Try hard (if only) not to worry, things will ease up and you will be fine, and don't be so greedy next time with the munchies at the movies, take care and keep in touch. xx

polly daydream
11-07-06, 21:59
Hi Kevin, the more you worry the worse your stomach pains will become, by the sounds of it you really pigged out in the cinama, so that was prob a big part of it. I do agree with your wife a little, the more you focus on a worry the worse it becomes, you start to imagine all sorts. I know someone who has just had stomach cancer and believe me you, would know if you had it. If you need your mind put at rest, do see your doc!!!

Best wishes,

Polly x

12-07-06, 00:06
Hi Kevin

My doc. told me that irritable bowel syndrome goes hand in hand with anxiety. Have had stomach trouble since anxiety started and ring sting to boot!!

All the best


Silly Blonde
12-07-06, 08:49
Hi Kevin

I suffer from HA and my stomach is definitely my weak spot. I have never had the panic attack type symptoms and have never really suffered from headaches. I've recently married and although I felt great on the day and during the honeymoon I'm now crippled with bad stomach ache/heartburn.

I know its difficult - but keep telling yourself its just the anxiety, focus on it less and it will get bored and leave you alone!

Take care

SB xx

13-07-06, 17:48
I bet your wife is right, popcorn gives my step dad horrendous stomach ache all night if he eats it, that and peanuts. Baaaaaaaaaaaad move.
And to be honest ive had someone in the family with stomach cancer & i know everyone is different but the symptoms were a lot more subtle than even stomach ache to start with.
Caz xxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

emma chant
14-07-06, 17:23
Kevin,maybe you did eat to much at cinema but then i get stomach
ache when i havn't eaten alot and i suffer fron health anxiety.
Don't worry

e chant

14-07-06, 22:13
Hi Kevin,

Defo the stomach is the worst symptom for me.

Take Care



15-07-06, 12:55

yep, anxiety can cause stomach problems, it's one of my symptoms
