View Full Version : Panic when you are tired ?

03-06-12, 00:24
Anyone else ever felt so tired they can't keep there eyes open badly tired in a way were it panics you out because you think is theresomthing wrong that's how I am at the minute not good :weep:

03-06-12, 00:31
If you are that tired then why not go to bed? There is nothing wrong it is just your body telling you it wants/needs sleep now

03-06-12, 00:32
I'm in bed and my eyes went funny because I'm so tired and then I got palpitations and started panicking thinking somthing was wrong because I have never felt this before

03-06-12, 00:33
terror-x i get like this were am so tired i wanna sleep but then start feeling so anxious i cant sleep :(

03-06-12, 00:36
Yes honey pie that's how I'm feeling at the minute

03-06-12, 00:43
me 2 :( but now ive gone past the tiredness just feeling anxious and awake now HATE night time anxiety