View Full Version : Anxiety about dizzy feelings someone help

03-06-12, 01:59
I feel as I most of my anxiety is centered around dwelling on
Fainting . I have passed out before in my life but for other reasons.
When I worry about fainting I will start having anxiety and get very
Scared like I'm actually going to faint . Anyone else feel this way?

03-06-12, 09:41
It seems you struggle with a famous 'what if...' question and for you it is 'What is going to happen if I faint'.
I had many "what if...' problems. I could always easily find a few catastrophic exceptions from any reassurance. The only working for me answer I found was 'I WILL DEAL WITH THAT'
Whatever happens I will find a way what to do. I dealt with so many horrible things in my life so I will manage to deal with one more.

03-06-12, 11:10
i feel exactly the same -lightheaded and faint all the time, especially when standing up and 'caught out' like if someone stops me to talk to me in the street or something, i cannot concentrate on anything else and its so horrible!

i also feel totally depersonalised - like i'm not here, so combine the two things, and i just feel totally not with it! i dont feel 'safe' in my body at all :-(

hope it helps to hear some one else feels the same, sorry its not more positve!

03-06-12, 17:39
Thank you soooooooooooooo much for posting this, I have been feeling like this now for absolutely ages and have honestly felt that I've been on my own and nobody else knew how I felt. I came across faint one day whilst talking to a friend, since then i've been constantly dizzy, weak legs, feel so weak generally, feel like i'm walking on sponge & have all the usual anxiety symptoms but my worst of all is the faint feeling, it controls me, rules my life, I'm so scared all the time.
Please if you want to message me to have a chat feel free as I'm actually as I type this going through the faint feeling now so I fully understand.

03-06-12, 22:34
Thanks guys for your follow up. I'm at the point where I can tell
Myself "look, I've gotten through it before , I can do it again."
But when it's in the moment its pretty scary.
I dunno, it's just such a crappy feeling being so afraid of something
That most likely Isnt even something that will occur. Anyways hope you
All are doing well today