View Full Version : Here we go again!!!! Anyone awake

03-06-12, 03:33
Anyone awake, yes the usual shaking after waking when
only been asleep for 20 minutes, really need a chat to help me
get through this

03-06-12, 11:30
doctor given me a few 2mg Valium to help with the
sleeping, was given zoplicone originally but to scared to
take, because one of side effects is depersonalization of
which I'm having really bad time with at the minute
Does anyone take Valium to help with sleep, and does it help
or do you take zoplicone and have you had any side effects


03-06-12, 12:30
how are you now? waking in the night stinks because you feel so feckin' lonely in the wee small hours :weep:

03-06-12, 21:42
It sure is crap being awake, do you suffer
with sleep problems

04-06-12, 10:29
i don't unless my ocd is really kicking off but my husband does. he can easily stay up all night playing computer games to try to distract him from his crappy feelings but that of course leaves him wiped out the next day, napping badly and setting up the cycle again for the next night. :mad:

04-06-12, 15:26
Hi i often do that wake up after 20 minutes sometimes an hour. Then i get a weird sensation in my head and feel panicked that im awake and worry how i will feel the next day. Its really horrible, i then sometimes feel odd when falling asleep as if its not natural and wake up again and at other times im freaked by colours i can see when going to sleep like a kaliedaskope x

04-06-12, 16:39
i do it at least twice a week,,in the end i give up and stay awake till i fall asleep worn out and sitting bolt upright im that exhausted,,
i also see the swirling colours and shapes rocky mine are like neon they are that bright quite pretty really when im not in panic mode lol