View Full Version : New member

03-06-12, 11:34
I just wanted to introduce myself....My name is Kara and I am suffering from depression and anxiety and have been for many years. I am so glad I found this forum....I look forward to getting to know people who know how I feel. Thanks to all,
Kara xxx

Deepest Blue
03-06-12, 11:40
Hi Kara,

Welcome to the forum, you'll make many friends here as its a very supportive forum where people relate to one another :)

Take Care

03-06-12, 11:44
Hi KaraSharpe

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-06-12, 11:57
Thanks so much.....just being here is helping already.....I will definatley be reading all the articles, and hope to join in some of the threads aswell....Thanks again xxx

Deepest Blue
03-06-12, 11:57
You're very welcome Kara :)

03-06-12, 16:58
Hiya Kara, welcome to the forum. It is an incredibly supportive place, I find it invaluable :)

03-06-12, 23:22
Thanks so much Deenor,
I wish I had found this forum years ago. I can already see how supportive everyone is. I have been telling a few friends about it.
Hope all is good ith you,
Kara x

03-06-12, 23:46
Hi Kara, glad your feeling positive now you've found this place. So am I!!

Just communicating about anxiety helps me loads, I hope it helps you!!!

04-06-12, 12:32
Thanks Chris,
It really does help knowing others know how you feel. Just taking one day at a time. I hope you are doing ok today,
Kara x

04-06-12, 17:38
Hi Kara and :welcome:!

Pip x

05-06-12, 11:25
Thank you Pip,
I cant believe how welcoming and caring the people on this site are, truly amazing,
Thanks again, all the best,
Kara x:)