View Full Version : Having a horrible evening

03-06-12, 22:31
I've been feeling very odd tonight, my friends have gone out and I decided to stay in to save some money & i'm not keen on clubbing anymore.
Also, I suffer from seperation anxiety and even though I'm 23 I still live with my parents, they told me yesterday they will be going away at the end of june for a short holiday (a week) to the isle of wight and taking my dog with them.
I had a panic attack there & then and even thinking about it now is making me uncomfortable. I won't be in the house entirely alone as my brother will be here but he works all day & I will be here alone alot of the time. I also love my dog so not seeing her for a week is going to really upset me.

Night time and early morning are my worst anxiety times so knowing my parents aren't in the house will probably make it more extreme than usual.
I actually don't know what to do, its upsetting me. I wish I was more normal and grown-up, it makes me feel really immature but my seperation anxiety/general anxiety seems to be getting worse as I get older.

03-06-12, 23:07
Hi I know how you feel about being alone even when i was older than you and had babies i would ask my mother to come and stay over when my husband went away. I have never stayed in the house alone even up to now and my children are grown up. Obviously i had them once they got a bit older but its still not a nice feeling.
Can you start planning to fill the days with friends or relatives in that time ? do you have like a younger cousin or anything who would stay over ? what do your parents advise ? x

03-06-12, 23:15
Hey, I really appreciate how you feel. I'm 21 and living with my parents because I can't stand the thought of moving away, I often feel that i'm far too attached to them. I'm only saying this so that you know you're not alone in this.
Is it possible that one of your friends could come stay with you for the week?

04-06-12, 04:09
You are not alone. I hadn't heard of the phrase separation anxiety, but I certainly know the feeling - my mum and sister went away to Germany this morning for a week's holiday, and I've been panicking since 10pm. I don't know how I'm going to cope with the rest of the week; it seems so long at the moment. I live in my own home, with my husband, but I feel that I still need my parents to "keep me safe", and for that, I need to keep them safe. I'm sorry that I don't have any advice for you, but I wanted you to know that I am feeling precisely as you described.

04-06-12, 04:16
You have some time before they go so try to figure out ways you can cope with them being gone. Think of things that may help you feel better about being alone. Or places you can go that you will feel safe at. If you can do this for yourself it will show you how you can do things to cope when things change.:flowers:

04-06-12, 09:41
I'm 22 and live with my parents too, and don't like the thought of moving out either. You will be fine a week isnt that long, when theyre away try to distract yourself maybe invite a friend over if you can

04-06-12, 09:59
Hi there, I moved away from home about 2 and a half years ago and loved it! This might sound selfish, but I never worried about my parents or my sister as I knew in my mind they were safe. A few months after I moved out my sister did as well. She moved further away (18 miles) from me and my parents and it upset me a little bit then. I knew I couldn't see her everyday it hurt. I used to worry constantly that something would happen to her, but it never did. I've always thought the what if's way too much and I think I always will. My sister then split up with her boyfriend and she came to live with me and my boyfriend. It was brilliant as she was where she belonged (in my eyes). She then moved into our next house with us until she moved back home just before Christmas last year. Two weeks ago my parents and my sister went on holiday to Cornwall for a fortnight. I was so upset the night they left, I felt like I couldn't protect them and they weren't here for me if I needed them. To pass the time I did alot of gardening (it was good because the weather was brilliant) and reading. I also had my young cousins stay over a couple of times which was a great distraction. Into their second week of their holiday my grandparents were also meant to go followed by my aunt, uncle and cousins a couple of days later. I was going out of my mind wondering what I would do without none of my network of support around me. My grandparents couldn't go in the end my Nan got ill so I felt relieve.

I've waffled on, but my point is I know how you feel. Like others have said do things to distract have friends stay over or maybe ask if you can dogsit one of your friends pets for a couple of days so you don't feel totally alone? If I get anxious at night time I tend to sleep on the sofa watching the tv, but perhaps you will be able to spend time with your brother? I'm sure if you find something to distract you the week will fly by! x