View Full Version : hi everyone

04-06-12, 13:14
Hi, my name is Chrissy and im new :) i have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for longer then i wish. I cant cope with my panic attacks, i lose myself to them and it drains me for days. I can go months with being ok then wham it all goes downhill. Iv noticed that my attacks are changing, last year it was a constant feeling that my throat would close up, this went on for months and i was started on diazapam to help. I thought id gotten better but then 2 nights ago i had the worse one to date, i had been at a friends all ok and happy for a bbq, started to feel abit sick so thought id better go home, i got in and that was it my whole body felt it was on fire, my heart was racing, i was heaving and all i could think was i needed my mum she would help, but the more i tried getting hold of her the worse i got i finally got a taxi and turned up on my mums door convinced i was dying, but after 10 mins of being with my mum it went away, and now im scared of being at home. i have 2 children i hate them seeing me this way and it makes me feel like an awful parent as im limited to what i do as i worry constantly that i will have a panic attack. i cant live my life properly and the nagging feelings are always there. im on citrolpram and sleeping tablets and have my stash of valium. will it always be this way, is this what my life is reduced to.

thank u for taking time to read this, i know iv gone on abit but feels good getting it out

chrissy xx

04-06-12, 13:24
Hi chrissywissy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-06-12, 17:37
Hi Chrissy and a big, warm :welcome:

I know you'll find lots of people here who share your experiences and that you'll also be able to give a lot to others.

Take care and keep posting

Pip x