View Full Version : I am back

04-06-12, 13:59
Hi Guys

I have not posted for months - if not years. I have started to experience the old anxiety symptoms again after it went pretty well for the last two years. It helps to tell myself that I have been here before and that I will get over it again, but in the meantime it is good to be able to vent here.

My muscles are extremely tense and painful - especially in my neck and chest. This obviously leads to pains and aches of all kinds and I come to some nasty conclusions as a result. The latest is that old familiar "band around my head" feeling and a couple of really nasty tension headaches. Again, my jumping to conclusions does not help at all. :)

The positive thing is that I am not digging that same deep, dark pit for myself by engaging in all the thougts - I just remind myself that it is anxiety and that it will pass.

Hang in there guys. It gets better with time and the more you learn to accept your condition, the less power it has over you. It is merely anxiety followed by the wrong conclusions. It is harmless...

04-06-12, 16:01
Hey you will defenitly get over it again as you have before! :] Could you tell the symptoms you experienced and overcame? i'm curious. Did you have dp/dr or intrusive thoughts too and beat them? anyways im sure u'll feel better soon, take care!

04-06-12, 16:11
Hi Sunkid,

i don't want to be the guy banging on about magnesium all the time but i thought i should at least let you know that your symptoms are very common of magnesium deficiency.

good luck :)

05-06-12, 07:40
@ Pacific: I had severe depression that accompanied my anxiety. It was hell. I had all the intrusive thoughts and beliefs that I was dying, seriously ill or going mad. I lost weight because I felt I could not face food, I was emotional all the time, I could not face people etc. My whole life basically came to a standstill. I wanted to return to the way things were before, but that was exactly where I made the biggest mistake. You can never return to things the way they were. I had to accept that things had changed and that I had to learn to live with my depression and anxiety rather than wishing it away all the time. That decision took a huge load off my shoulders and I have learnt to live with it for the last seven years and, even though it returns with a vengeance every once in a while, I am able to cope with it because I have been there before and it got better - so it will do so again.

@ Idstain - I think you are right. I have had all the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the form of spasms and muscle cramps as well as sinusitis and gout. I took tissue salts which really helped, and your post is a reminder that it is probably time that I start taking them again. Thank you