View Full Version : panicky about my appearance and going outside :(

04-06-12, 17:25
Hello everyone I keep getting these panic attacks all of the time. I feel inadeqaute about the way I look and feel I look ugly and worry that I will never have a boyfriend. I always panic and cannot go out in large crowds too often or buses without a friend as I feel conscious of the way I look. I worry too that I look old as I have a birthmark and am overweight. I'm only a young girl late teens. Can u tell me what you think here about what I look agewise and if I look ugly. :(

04-06-12, 18:03
You have to remember that when you go out people will not be looking at you, they will be going about thier own business. Everyone has difference preferences and ideas about people, and what they look for in people.................one persons 'ugly' is anothers 'beautiful' there is ALWAYS someone out there for anyone.

It is not really fair to ask if you are 'ugly' because as I say everyone is different and see people differently

Be proud to be you, and what ever you have been given..... anyone who has a problem with you it is THIER problem and not yours.

04-06-12, 19:57
I know it's hard, i'm always convinced that people are staring at me when I go out myself, but there's no way of knowing what people are thinking.
As Venus said, looks are very subjective. I don't think you look at all old or ugly though.
I know it's very easy for me to say, but try not to be so hard on yourself.

04-06-12, 23:39
I totally agree with venusbluejeans and Allie. Because you are worrying so much about your appearance, you feel everyone is judging you, but they are probably just going about their business with so much on their own minds that you are really just another face in the crowd....you are like any other normal young lady and as I have said before, having a boyfriend is not the be all and end all. It will happen when you least expect it. You are very young and you should be enjoying yourself, and having fun and making friends. Beauty is not about looks, it's what is inside that counts. Stop worrying, start living...you have nothing to worry about at all. Kitti x

macc noodle
05-06-12, 14:16
I think that sometimes being a teenager and all the angst that goes with that creates anxiety and worry that need not be there!
Which is all too easy to say when you are a much older woman who is comfortable in her own skin and who really does not care that much what people think about her !!!
But if I were to give you any advice, it would be to get out and about and don't spend your time hiding away and worrying what people think.
It is what is inside that counts and if you can let your personality shine through then that is what makes you beautiful and attractive to friends.
And I have looked at your pic and all I can see is a shy young lady who needs to take a deep breath and get out there!!!! Perhaps you need to join something u are interested in and meet like minded people so you have some common ground.

05-06-12, 14:25
no your not hun dont put ya self down i know of how u feel cos i feel the same when i go out i hardly leave my house cos of the way i am now i cant cope cos when i.m out i think i.m beening judged and looked at so i know how u feel p.s your not ugly your beautiful :hugs:

william wallace
06-06-12, 11:26
Grace, will you marry me?:)

06-06-12, 11:55
You have a really cute face, I can just imagine you giggling happily lol I know how you feel, all I can see sometimes is the bad. I'll tell you one thing though, as soon as you see the beauty in yourself, you will start to change. It's strange, but I've had it happen. When I feel good about myself I can see the change. I think you're a lovely girl. If it helps I'm 18 almost 19 and have only had one boyfriend when I was 16 that lasted two weeks xD No rush. Let it happen naturally, you might get asked out randomly . If you show confidence people will notice and see that first.
When I'm feeling really down about the way I look I like to go get a new hair cut or something, or buy a new top XD We're girls, it's ok to have fun with that sort of thing. Try and see how you can make the best parts of you shine, like those eyes of yours or that cute nose you've got there lol You're pretty, you just haven't noticed it yet <3

07-06-12, 02:09
You look like a really lovely pretty girl :D People are not looking at you or judging you...think of it this way...do you look at other people and judge if they are pretty or not?? would you judge someone on how they look?? would you be mean about someones appearance?? NOPE and other nice decent people don't either...those that do are not worth worrying about anyway cos even the most pretty girls can be really ugly inside and lets face it most of the pretty girls you see on tv or in the street go home at night and wipe off there make up and fake tan , take out the hair extensions,take off the false eyelashes, and then take off the squeeze you in knickers and padded bra :roflmao: with all that even my husband could look like a stunning woman :roflmao: When the right lad comes along he will like you for you not for what you look like...looks fade its whats inside that counts :hugs:

07-06-12, 05:13
You are very pretty