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View Full Version : Worrying even when I don't need to? Does this apply to anyone else?

04-06-12, 18:55
I'm 16 years old, therefore I am currently doing my GCSE exams (=stress over load).

For about 2 months now every week I've had a new obsession: something else that's 'wrong' with me. Even though the rational half of my mind is saying that when I stop thinking about it, all symptoms go away and how could I possibly have all of these things at once, somehow I still believe every single one of them.

But also, when I have nothing to worry about and I'm completely relaxed, I still feel the need to find something else that's wrong with me.. for example I might start thinking that I'm tired, google tiredness et voila, a new obsession for my mind to feed on.

Another example would be today, I got up too fast and felt dizzy, went on google and am now convinced I have a youknowwhat (I can't even say it). And then I googled the symptoms and one of them is funny taste in the mouth, and that magically appeared earlier as well. And I had a blocked ear last night so I had ringing in my ears. And also I have severe astigmatisms in both eyes so my vision goes blurry and doubles when I'm tired.

My question is, does anyone else get like this? You finally stop obsessing over one thing, but suddenly you feel like there can't not be anything wrong with you so you google something else completely irrelevant? Almost like a vicious circle.

Thanks if you reply :)

04-06-12, 19:53
exactly the same! it's like my mind wants to worry about *something*, it doesn't particularly care what though.. it just wants to worry.. it's like it can't accept nothing is wrong with me, it thinks *something* must be. so i'll bounce from worrying about one thing to the next to the next. it's very frustrating to realise you're doing this but not be able to stop it or understand why. cutting out google can help though, since google + a sufferer of health anxiety is never a good combination, i come here instead now :) also i've had pretty much all of what you've mentioned - dizzy/things going black when i get up too fast, ear ringing, funny taste in mouth. i'm not bothered by those symptoms anymore, i know they're nothing major or down to anxiety/stress itself, but anything new and i'm in a huge panic again :/

04-06-12, 20:35
I can offer you one important bit of advice! NEVER GOOGLE...EVER!

It will only fuel your worries. Save yourself the pain and just stop googling it will never help you when look for symptoms. Believe me many suffer will tell you googling only makes things worse.