View Full Version : Feeling faint all the time??

04-06-12, 19:37
Anybody else get this, just lately i've started to feel faint on/off all day, when i'm not feeling faint i feel dizzy.
My bloods, bp etc have all been fine so know its nothing there but i just can't get my head around anxiety causing these symptoms ?????

04-06-12, 22:54
I went through the very same thing..It turns out it really was i my head...

Do you ever feel like your vision is blurred even if its just like a 2 second flash?
then worry and get tension? and you are very aware of every part of your body and how it feels?

You become super sensitive to your body and what its doing, most people are not this aware but when you suffer from anxiety its not as easy to just let go...

I have started to see a phsycologist :) and its been amazing having someone talk to me instead of just telling me to "stop worrying" its not easy! xx

05-06-12, 01:45
did you drink enough water in the day? did you eat enough food? was it a hot day?

dehydration, not having enough to eat, hot/humid days etc can all play a part in dizziness and feeling faint, but anxiety can definitely be a factor/cause too.