View Full Version : So here I am again.. could these symptoms be 'just' anxiety?

04-06-12, 19:50
Hi everyone,
So I haven't been on this section of the forum for a while, but I am down visiting my boyfriend in Herts and my health is really bothering me. My symptoms have been exhaustion at doing even tiny things, anything physical basically, my heart seems to be beating hard and often fast, though it feels okay whilst I'm sitting here now. I feel out of breath easily and on the verge of my heart skipping a beat, I keep feeling like it's going to skip beats if I do much. I physically feel exhausted/weighed down, I have taken naps but I just feel as heavy and exhausted when I get up as before the nap.
I've taken walks but feel fragile and weak to go for long, I just feel as if my body may give out.
I came here on Thursday and before I came I had been feeling very tired and not up to a lot, I don't deal well with the hot weather and there had been some stress at my house. The journey was the longest I'd done in ages (5 hours in all - 3 trains, though I was with my boyf as I couldn't have done it on my own)
The only bit of my symptoms that I can be quite sure is anxiety is the twitches I've been getting occasionally in my body, I was getting a lot in my eye before I came too.
All this has been making me feel horrible and I really want to be able to enjoy some of this time before I go back home. Just feeling like I want to make it through each day right now! :weep:
So does anyone think all my symptoms could be anxiety related, even though I've not been having actual anxiety attacks?
Thanks in advance!

04-06-12, 20:09
Yes, i have exactly that ! it is so scary as it doesnt fit the usual patern which people describe. I say i just feel unwell and not able to do much is really depressing. I dont always have it but its the not knowing when you will feel like it that is worrying and depressing x

04-06-12, 21:50
Hi VioletWings

When is the last time you had any blood tests or general health check up?

I ask this not to scare you, but it's a good idea to first get checked out so you can see if there is anything obvious health-wise that may benefit from improvement

For example, in my general check up I was found to be VERY deficient in vitamin b12, which itself can bring about symptoms of tiredness etc

My overall problem was anxiety - but knowing where I needed to improve on my nutritional intake is definitely helping my recovery :)

05-06-12, 15:26
Hi, thanks rockydog -and potato, I do go to the doctors every so often, my last blood tests were about 2 or so years ago now. I would go to the doctors now if I was at home, but not due to be back for a week! Thanks for the advice though, I plan to book an app for when I'm back. I just don't want to feel so debilitated the rest of the time here! =/

*I've also been getting some acid coming back up, and I am still having this exhaustion and heaviness, as if everything from getting out of bed to going up the stairs is too much. Can all this just be due to anxiety??

05-06-12, 16:05
I feel like this when I'm away from home and I'm afraid that for me it's just because I don't feel as 'safe' in fact when I get really bad I go to my parents and sit in my childhood bedroom and it normally sorts me out!

Do you have an iphone or similar? You can download apps for anxiety that do help a little.... bascially they tell you to close you eyes, breath deeply and imagine you are somewhere safe (garden, beach, bedroom or wherever you chose) it can help and can be done more or less anywhere, the more you do it the easier it is to get back to your 'safe' place and be calm.

Please don't think I'm a loony lol.... I'm trying anything to make me feel better! :hugs: xx

05-06-12, 20:03
Hi Bobbydazzler, I don't have an iPhone or smartphone no, but thanks for the ideas! Spending some time reading my Bible and praying takes me to a 'safe place' so it would be a good idea for me to do more of that right now. I'll also bear in mind those ideas. And I don't think you're a loon! :hugs: