View Full Version : bad time is back :( raw feeling above belly button

04-06-12, 21:59
well the good times lasted long :) and now today have the worse raw feeling about 2" above my belly button area and nausea :( aarrrggggggggg really making me so so anxous i have eaten crap today but my stomach hasnt beeen to bad lately but now god i wanna cry why is this raw feeling & nausea here ?????????????????

04-06-12, 22:10
Do you suffer from acid reflux at all?

11-06-12, 00:55
yep i was on omeprazole but now that am pregnant i cant take them now untill am 12 weeks so 2 weeks to go :(

11-06-12, 02:10
Yhh I get that raw feeling sometimes its not very nice at all &being pregnant doesn't help stomach acid it makes it worse , I'm lucky enough to only suffer mild heartburn occasionally.
I'm pregnant too , nearly 11 weeks & well sweetie the nausea could be morning sickness , have u had much? Especially in the last few weeks of first tri cause our hcg levels reach their highest & that's what causes the morning sickness so makes sence really.
Sorry I can't be of more help to u , I did have ranitidine prescribed to me for stomach acid in my very early weeks of preg as I had really bad morning sickness , it's called Zantac over the counter & helped my heartburn & that horrible sour taste that comes up your throat .. also safe 2 take wen preg so maybe giv it a go? & remember ure never alone here , there is always someone who will talk to u through the tough times :) goood luck with everything xxx

11-06-12, 23:09
just messaged you louicle.. i hate this raw feeling and wen i lay down i get horrible feeling in my chest but not burnung