View Full Version : Hi just found this sight

04-06-12, 22:14
Hi there my names Claire Im 34 and live in the UK

I have suffered panic attacks and anxiety for 18yrs now and after lots of therapy and completing level 1 and 2 in counselling skills and also working as a PND support worker for 2yrs feel I am almost in control of it most of the time BUT theres one thing I really struggle with and its really effecting me alot and is how I came across this site looking for help......

I really struggle to be away from home..with or without my hubby and kids it makes no difference although it is worse if im withour them.

I find I getting really panicky and anxious without the safety net of my own home but worse is my sleeping, I find I cant sleep away from home.

It is really stressful if we go away for say one night with something planned the next day as I dont sleep at all and it spoils the planned day ahead as Im very groggy and tired also making my anxiety worse and if we go away on holiday it takes me a good 2-3 nights to get settled into drifting off to sleep.

I am really starting to freak out as we are going away abroad in 2wks and not only am I worried about flying and having a major panic attack on the plane but sleeping abroad too. I have seriously had enough now and want to enjoy going away and holidays...please help me :weep:

thanks for taking time out to read this


04-06-12, 22:25
Hi mum-of-seven

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-06-12, 23:27
I can relate, I do not sleep when away from home, being away from my comfort zone upsets my body clock, I get fluid retention, constipation and no sleep.

Just been away to France, I was anxious before and during the flight, but managed it anyway.

If it worries you that much, see if the doctor will give you some Diazipam for the flight, it should make you calm for a good few hours.

For the sleep problem, have you tried Valerian, it is herbal? or Sominex/Nytol that contain antihistamine? All available at the chemist.

05-06-12, 00:36
Hi there and a big, warm :welcome:

I know you'll find lots of people here who share your experiences and that you'll also be able to give a lot to others.

Take care and keep posting

Pip x

05-06-12, 01:24
Hi Claire,

I really relate to your struggling away from home. I also find sleep difficult and of course this makes anxiety worse.

As has been said, for your flight, something like Diazepam may be really useful. For sleep trouble, I find Doxylamine Succinate is very good. It is available in different brands and is an over the counter (well mainly over the internet) product. If you search on google it is available on amazon etc.

It is an anti histamine that has been used as a sleep aid by many, and I find taking it about 30 mins before bed has the desired effect. I try not to take it more than twice a week because it may become less effective, but it has been really really helpful for me. :)

05-06-12, 10:00
Hello everyone. I just found this information is very beneficial for all of us. Thanks for sharing this information. Keep it up.