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View Full Version : Constant Wheezing

05-06-12, 00:38
For the last 3 days or so i have had a bit of a cold. But i woke up today and my chest feels really clogged up and i keep wheezing.

I am a mild asthma sufferer. I sometimes get wheezing first thing in the morning (Dr said it was probably allergy induced), but i have never had it like this before. I will take a hit of my inhaler and 30 minutes later i'm wheezing again.

Could the cold and my asthma be causing this.

I have resisted the temptation to google as i know what the first thing to appear will be especially. Especially with all the latest ads on TV.

05-06-12, 01:43
Stupid reply but....do you smoke??

05-06-12, 01:52
last time i was wheezing i had a chest infection and i was given an asthma inhaler for it on top of the antibiotics, so a cold on your chest could definitely be causing this, even if you didn't have asthma (i don't have it but apparently i kinda did at that time because of the infection) but considering you do have asthma it's even more likely that that's what's going on. if its a viral infection it should go away on its own, but if you're still feeling bad in a few more days it might be best to see a doc, there's no sense in suffering, mine got to the point where i was wheezing, feeling clogged, and couldn't breathe through my mouth without coughing either, but i was fine as soon as i got antibiotics. hope you're feeling better soon! there are lots of bugs going around at the moment unfortunately :/

05-06-12, 20:43
Feel a bit better today. Not as clogged up and my chest isn't rattling as much. Still a bit of a wheeze though.

Hopefully it continues to improve!

05-06-12, 23:34
Sounds like a chest infection to me! I suffer from asthma, whenever I get a cold I get a bit wheezy, especially if it spreads into my chest.

If it doesn't clear up on it's own within a few days then see your doctor, he or she will be able to prescribe you with antibiotics or give you other ways which may help.

06-06-12, 00:33
I don't know. I had a chest infection when i was younger and i remember it being hell. This isn't too bad apart from the wheezing.

Yesterday my chest sounded like a rattle when i breathed. Now i just get the whistle. Hopefully it will improve more tomorrow. If it doesn't get better within a few days i think i will go docs.

06-06-12, 15:50
Inhaler is not working at all today. Although i can take a bit of a deeper breath before i start wheezing.

07-06-12, 04:12
Go to the doctor, mate.

07-06-12, 06:26
Yes , have it seen to, be safe .

07-06-12, 13:45
My breathing is almost back to normal now.

I wish i did go doctors when it was bad. Every time i go there complaining of wheezing my chest is always fine. They must think i'm messing about.