View Full Version : Started to get better but now worst :/

05-06-12, 08:01
well i took on board a few comments about my anxiety regarding my situation and any tiny noise at night setting off panic attacks and main comment that helped was 'whats the worst that can happen' and to be fair i slept 'ok' for four days.....
Then my mom had a stroke, and it set off my anxiety into overdrive, i got really bad with basically constant panic attacks a whole night and made worst living in a shared house but basically alone.
Docs given me paroxatine which is messing with my tummy but feels its taking the edge off the anxiety, ive only been on it 5 days, feels like a crazy battle going on inside me my anxiety going crazy and tablets trying to balance me - i know it can take a month for them to work properly. Finding everything hard at the moment, i run a large retail store and having major pressures with that, getting through the day is hard enough let alone serving customers and 'putting on' a brave happy smiley face.

Just as i was starting to 'cope' with the anxiety the emotional trauma of my mothers stroke set it off, an had a bad night last night due to so many late night parties celebrating the jubillie :/

14-06-12, 21:00
how are things going now? i guess the pills haven't kicked in just yet. the wait is so horrible. how is your mum now? the stress of something like that is bound to make you feel terrible, especially when everyone else round you seems to be having a whale of a time with the celebrations.
don't beat yourself up too much about feeling crappy right now, you've got a lot on your plate and you're handling things really well considering what you're coping with. :yesyes:

14-06-12, 21:36
I might not be an expert but I think letting the anxiety do what it wants. I know it sounds weird but instead of fighting the feeling accept it and give it space. My grandpa had a stroke some years ago so I know what it feels like to care about a person you love. The medication is going to work too, just trust it and give it time. :)
I hope you feel better soon!