View Full Version : dare I say it..... giving up alcohol?!

05-06-12, 16:39
I've come to the conclusion that if I'm going to beat this thing I'm going to have to give up the old drinking malarky :weep:

Not that I drink a great deal but I did like to go out at the weekend and have a good time.... since I've been suffering I find myself leaving nights out early because I'm so scared I'm going to be ill the next day.... the problem is that even if I have a couple of drinks (2 halves of cider for example) I still feel like death and I'm not sure if it's all in my head? I worry that I'm going to be sick and/or get dehydrated.

I've already knocked smoking on the head although I was just a social smoker so it wasn't difficult and cut down to 3-4 cups of coffee per week.... does this really mean that I'm going to have to give up everything I enjoy? Just please don't tell me chocolate is causing me to panic lol!

Has anyone had any dramatic improvement from giving up alcohol altogether? xx

05-06-12, 17:23
Hi. I think I am giving it up too. Its well know that alcohol is a depressant but I often enjoy one or two glasses of wine at the weekend and find that it does relax me. Any more than two, though and I feel really rough the next day and it does make me anxious. We had a party yesterday for the Jubilee and I had far too much to drink and feel rotten today. So I would rather not risk it and have decided to give it up altogether as its just not worth it. Stick to the chocolate, thats what I am going to do. Good luck.

05-06-12, 17:44
Thanks, good luck to you too! Just need to get past the surprised looks from my friends and people assuming I'm pregnant. Hey ho chocolate it is! xx

05-06-12, 18:37
Alcohol is a know depressant and cause of anxiety, you will only see benefits from giving up drinking. I've been sober 6 months and my anxiety has not been as bad since then.

05-06-12, 18:51

I admit that alcohol does give me really bad side effects when it comes down to my depression/anxiety so I do tend to steer clear of it all so I'm not able to feel bad and the way that I do.

I know it's difficult because you have to give up the things that you love, but on the plus side, you'll be saving yourself money and also you'll be providing your mind and body with the best care possible!

All the best,

06-06-12, 11:52
Hello, I couldn't face a big night out anymore, partly because I seem to have lost my tolerance, partly that I don't know when to stop and also I can't do with the hangover.

I am lucky in that I can probably drink 3/4 halfs lager or couple of glasses of wine and feel ok so that is my limit and even then I drink probably less than once a month or even two months and its usually just one drink.

If I found I struggled with even this small amount then I would give up, tbh its not worth it and its so nice not to feel hungover. I enjoy a nice walk the next day or go the gym to prove that I have been out and am not feeling bad!!

If you drive thats always a winner to avoid peer pressure!! If your real friends they will understand your wishes.

As a nurse I also advocate giving up for the health benefits, so its a sensible choice all round!

Good luck!!

06-06-12, 17:01
Thanks guys..... Guess I've answered my own question really I giving up is the only way to go! Facing my fears and going to a gym class tonight (that's if I don't chicken out) xx

06-06-12, 17:44
Good luck tonight.:)