View Full Version : Random panic

05-06-12, 17:04
This past week has been a huge struggle. I spent a lot of days telling myself that tomorrow I'd feel better, but the next day I felt worse. Now I'm battling every minute for some space and peace and finding it hard to breath.

I have been trying to work on my intrusive thoughts and even that hasn't helped. Right now I just long for it to be bedtime when I can vanish into sleep for a while, but I know tomorrow will probably be just as bad as today.

Things really do feel bleak right now. I'm on a lot of medication and see a counsellor weekly, but still I feel like this. I just feel like I'm running out of options and avenues to go down in order to help myself.

05-06-12, 17:37
What meds are you on and for how long?


05-06-12, 17:44
Hi Joy,

I take:
60mg duloxetine (2 years after 8 years on effexor)
80mg half inderal (beta blocker, 4 years)
125mg Pregabilin (4 weeks)
5mg valium up to 6 times a day (5 years but only when I need it).

I spoke to my GP and we've agreed I try seroxat, which I've never been on before, but she wants me to be "stable" before I start the transition.

05-06-12, 18:11
i recently tried pregablin but made me so dizzy and drunk feeling the shrink has reduced it and doubled the valdoxan which is a new anti dep.Think I'd ask to be referred to the mental health team and see a shrink Gp arent experts


05-06-12, 19:48
i recently tried pregablin but made me so dizzy and drunk feeling the shrink has reduced it and doubled the valdoxan which is a new anti dep.Think I'd ask to be referred to the mental health team and see a shrink Gp arent experts


Thanks Joy. Unfortunately I've been down the CMHT avenue before and my local one is next to useless. I'm paying to see someone privately once a week, but I can only afford a therapist, not a shrink.

06-06-12, 10:59
Well I woke up today to that same awful feeling of panic in my guts. I try and pretend it's not there but it's there all day and is really draining and exhausting me.

06-06-12, 11:17
Oh no not another one with a useless local mental health team, is the therapist helped at all and are you on meds

Love joy

---------- Post added at 11:17 ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 ----------

oops sorry just read your previous post and you are on lots of meds


06-06-12, 13:03
Annoyingly I had a really good shrink when I lived in Greater London, but we moved to be nearer to my family and so I had to change CMHT and the one here is not a patch on the one there.

09-06-12, 15:04
I spent a lot of days telling myself that tomorrow I'd feel better, but the next day I felt worse. Now I'm battling every minute for some space and peace and finding it hard to breath.

I have been trying to work on my intrusive thoughts and even that hasn't helped. Right now I just long for it to be bedtime when I can vanish into sleep for a while, but I know tomorrow will probably be just as bad as today.

This is how I've felt most days for the past few months. I totally know how you feel, and it really does feel so bleak. There are still options though - speak to your therapist and your GP and try any other options.

Best of luck to you.

09-06-12, 16:33
I feel for you as I am in exactly the same place at the moment and I also don't know what to do next, sick and tired of being sick and tired!
Had CBT before, thinking of asking the doctor if he can refer me to a Psychiatrist, but I guess that will depend on what the CMHT decide and I know how long it takes to get an appointment.
Hope you get respite from your current situation soon.

15-06-12, 11:15
hi i to am at the same place as you i dont no what to do any more i ave had cbt were they try and reprogram yr mind to think diffrent if only it was that easy we wouldnt be in this mess dont do meds as afraid of side effects so tired right now been fighting with my self all morning so today will be a battle till bed time wich i find hard to drop to sleep as i no what the morning hold for me take care trish

30-06-12, 05:36
hi i to am at the same place as you i dont no what to do any more i ave had cbt were they try and reprogram yr mind to think diffrent if only it was that easy we wouldnt be in this mess dont do meds as afraid of side effects so tired right now been fighting with my self all morning so today will be a battle till bed time wich i find hard to drop to sleep as i no what the morning hold for me take care trish

Sorry to hear it's been so hard for you trish. You can ride it out hun, we all do. There will be light through the clouds eventually, just hang on. That's what I tell myself. One day, hour, minute at a time :hugs: