View Full Version : Is your HA with you always or does it come/go?

12-07-06, 10:52
I am feeling quite strange at the moment. I have really calmed down over the past few days. Until now, for the whole of this year, I have been on a permanent state of alert, just waiting for something awful to happen. Yet suddenly I am much calmer and I don't really know why.

It could be because I have now found the right balance of herbal remedies and they have kicked in.

Or it could be because I have got "real" sadness around me to deal with (in that my friend is now very very poorly and the docs say not long now - however she is still very positive and strong in herself and a pleasure to visit).

I've had lots of tears lately over my friend (not when I'm with her as she likes people to just treat her normally) - maybe that has helped me to release a bit of stress.

Those of you who have suffered for years, do you get a break from it for a few days??? I'm not under any disillusion that it won't come back! But I'm just not stressing about the symptoms I was stressing about a few days ago. It's very weird.

12-07-06, 11:27
I've been suffering with HA for the last 2 years now (ever since losing my dad). Mine seems to be getting worse unfortunately :( and just seems to hang over my head. I find i never "forget" my anxieties, they may just get pushed to the back of my mind if I have to concentrate on something but as soon as I see something that is of a health issue, I'm back to square one again.

Silly Blonde
12-07-06, 12:59
I'm the same as Jenny

I had a bit of delayed reaction to my Mum's sudden death over 4 years ago. I have only really had HA for 18 months. Over those 18 months I found that it is always there really - just like you have said. For example, I am weaning myself off my meds - I may have HA but I'm not depressed - and I have had terrible crippling heartburn. Yet I had a meeting earlier and during that 1 hour I felt fine - no heartburn, no tummy ache. But the minute I came back to my desk - back came the heartburn etc etc.

Its a horrible horrible thing - but last summer - when I finally felt like it was under control - I felt great - not a care in the world. But then I foolishly decided to get married so with all that stress I have been feeling pretty grotty again!!

But doesn't this tell you that it is just HA and nothing serious??? I felt great on my wedding day and honeymoon and have just felt awful since I came back to work. As my psych tells me - nasty serious illnesses do not come and go - but anxiety can!!!

Take care - and be nice to yourself. I know what the "waiting" is like - you need to be there for your friend, but remember your life will go on and so you need to take some time out for you.

SB xx

12-07-06, 13:29
Hi Jenny,

I've had my health anxiety for just over 10 years.I can honestly say that I'm usually fine with it until I get an ache or pain and away I go diagnosing myself with a cancer. At the moment I'm going through a stage wondering if all these symptoms I have are really my anxiety or cancer.

Take Care



12-07-06, 21:04
Mine peaks and troughs in severity over the space of a few weeks, but always comes back when I have a lot of time to myself!

12-07-06, 21:05
Mine peaks and troughs in severity over the space of a few weeks, but always comes back when I have a lot of time to myself!

13-07-06, 11:24
Mine kind of comes and goes. I can have periods where I feel fine and am not particularly worried about anything. I went for about 10 months last year like this but then I noticed a symptom, latched on to it and was off again obsessing about my health. Just learn to enjoy the good times when they come.