View Full Version : Worried I'll get chicken pox:(

05-06-12, 19:13
I had chicken pox when I was 6. I had it quite bad so I'm told. My 3 children had it 6 years ago but I didn't get it again.

My nephew has it and the day he had a couple of spots (my sister was unsure) I was in close contact with him. The next day he came out in lots of spots.

The reason I'm worried is each time I get my bloods tested my neutrophils/white count is a bit low. Gp says not low enough that I'll be more susceptible to illness but still it concerns me. I get my bloods done every 3 months to keep an eye on my iron count. My white cells go up sometimes then others a bit low. I'm worried this means I could get chicken pox again, and I know it can be nasty in adults. My husband says I've the antibodies to fight it but in worried if my white cells are low then I could still get it:(( Does anyone know?

I've a blood test tomorrow as it happens, I feel extra worried now about the results. I really hope my white cells are normal this time. In January my neutrophils were 1.7.

05-06-12, 19:19
I don't know the biology of it, but I think that once your body recognizes the disease (When you originally had chickenpox) it creates the antibiodies automatically and fights the disease without you getting sick. I don't think you would be able to get it twice. If you are worried about your immune system you could always try taking some vitamin C?

05-06-12, 19:54
Im just worried if I've low white cell count and I've come into contact with cp then I could get it again. When my children had cp years ago my white cells were normal.

I'll keep on with mg vitamins and I'll mention it to my gp when I see him for my blood results.

05-06-12, 21:13
I think it is very unusual to have cp more than once, and I understand that if it does happen, because your body already has some immunity to it from the first time, the second time it is usually a very mild illness (as opposed to catching it for the first time as an adult). I truly don't think you have anything to worry about in this regard. Best wishes from Annie

05-06-12, 22:00
Thanks Annie xx