View Full Version : Coming off Propranalol...

12-07-06, 11:36
Has anyone had any nasty side effect when they stopped taking Propranalol? As I said in an earlier posting I have been taking 1-2 tabs per day for the last 10 years or more but wish to stop now as other blood pressure tabs together with prop seem to slow my heart to a point where I cannot stand up without nearly passing out. I reduced my single tab to half a tab for 1 week then took a quarter of a tab for another week without any side effects. Today I stopped taking them altogether only to find my heart races every time I do the slightlest excersize. I know you have to be careful coming of prop but is this normal and how long does it last?

Any advice please...


Mike Gower

12-07-06, 12:53
Hi mIke

I was on propranolol for about 3 yrs and like you found they were causing me to feel like I was passing out eacfh time I stood up. They were making my heart rate too low because I had learned other coping techniques and they no longer were doing their job.

I reduced down gradually and although I dont have palpitaitons much I do get a recing heart when I am walking about or doing housework. It is getting better though and because you had taken them for so long your body will just be adjusting.
Our thoughts can trigger off these symptoms too, so maybe you are subconsciously telling yourself you are off the prop?
Hope this has helped & take care mike


........life is for living not just for surviving

24-07-06, 15:24
Thanks Darkangel.... Sorry about the delay in picking it up though. I've been away.

Has your doctor explained what will/could happen when you come off prop? and has he told you how long it would last? I've been trying to come off them now for about a month and have just stopped taking them completely.... again!! But like you my heart races at the least effort. Even gentle walking makes it pump like mad sometimes. I agree our minds do have something to do with it but I believe this is a physiological problem as well as a psycological one. I think my body has got to get used to working normally without prop again but I cannot find out how long this will take.... or whether it can be dangerous. My doctor treats me as if I am weak in the head and can't get rid of me quick enough so he can get back to some "real" illnesses. I am dealing with this situation at present but meanwhile I am left wondering whether I should reduce the prop even slower than I have done so far. The last tablet I was on was 10mgs. which is a very low dosage I am told but as soon as I stop I get the racing heart again.

Thanks for your help and hope you are still improving.


Mike Gower

24-07-06, 16:06
hi mike

in my experience doctors dont really know how you will feel coming off medication. I was on high doses for about 3 yrs and came off them grad - I was ok. For the last 2 yrs was on 3 x 10mg a day - one morning, 4pm and bedtime. For a week i cut out the 4pm one then for the next week the bedtime one then finally stopped althogher. My gp said to do it over a few days - but i prefer to be safe than sorry. My heart did race and still does sometimes but it has got a lot better. Ive been off totally now for about 4 months and have noticed a massive improvement in the dizziness. The heart does still race when walking about - but i think my thoughts make it worse.

To be honest i have been on lots of meds over the past 9 yrs and it does take a while to get them out the system because our bodies get so used to them. Maybe if you are still concerned, you could maybe even speak to the pharmacist if you dont want to bother your GP - they can sometimes think "us with anxiety" are just wasting their time.

Hope this has helped


........life is for living not just for surviving