View Full Version : didny say much

06-06-12, 11:04
:weep::scared15: hi all didnt say lot yesterday bout my self really nervous, so here goes my name is lorna am 48 years and had manic depession over the last 30 odd years been on venlafaxine for 20 of thoses and decided this march too come off them slowly from support and advice from my gp any ways i have also sufferd panic attacts over the years so am with you guys well my gp suggested i try citalopram well over the weeks started 30mg .i have to say i have never felt so ill in all my life,the next 5 or so weeks later i am finaly rid of the most mind numbing drug av ever come across from 30mg 2wks then 20mg 2wks then 10 then 5 been off them 2half wks now comming down was like comming off heroine my side effets of citalopram were that bad i ended up in hospital. am still experinceing panic attacts but not as full on so sorry ave gone on a bit ,but i feel with this site and support of the members am see a light at the end of my tunnel . lorna

06-06-12, 11:15
Hi tomcat

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-06-12, 18:31
Hi Lorna, I had a severe reaction to Citalopram also, know where you are coming from.
I get panic attacks every day so can empathise with you.

I hope you find some comfort at NMP.

06-06-12, 18:52
Welcome to the site Lorna!!!

Veronica H
09-06-12, 11:47
:welcome:Lorna. You will find comfort and support here. Vx