View Full Version : Occupational health.... General moan!

06-06-12, 17:14
Hey guys, had a little trip into work today to see the occ health nurse (I'm on leave not off sick) and I really can't believe how useless they were!

My manager refered me to see if I could get cbt any quicker as the nhs waiting list is 7 months, anyway after the nurse being 15 minutes late for my appt she eventually took me into a room and tried to convince me that I have panic attacks/anxiety because of something that happened in my childhood and after I repeatly told her no she implied that I was in a crappy relationship - neither of which is true!

The end result is that I've been refered for counselling, not cbt as they don't offer it and I have to do a well being at work assessment. If only paperwork could make me better ha ha!

I had nothing but praise for them when I broke my arm but it seems that unless it's physical they don't know how to deal with it..... I do have a load of leaflets on depression to add to the recycling pile tho!xx :blush:

06-06-12, 17:42
Sorry that you had a crappy experience, promise if I was your nurse it would have been better!

Do you have more than one nurse that you could see?

06-06-12, 17:54
I suppose I was a bit harsh.... I've calmed down a bit now! I'm just sick of people assuming its because of this or that. I won't be going back to occ health, someone rang me from the counsellors and they said I should get an appt next week so I'd much rather speak to someone with more experience. Unfortunately I'm guessing occ health have strict rules about what they can and can't offer due to finances :shrug:

06-06-12, 18:01
I dont think you were harsh at all, its just unfortunate that you were made to feel frustrated. Get yourself on the CBT list, hope the counselling helps in the meantime


06-06-12, 18:21
When I had my Occ Health assessment it was with a Dr. somebody (telephone assessment as I couldn't travel due to agoraphobia) I asked her if she had any expertise in the mental health field....she completley ignored my question and just told me how long she had been an Occ Health therapist. I found her very cold and her questioning somewhat 'parrot fashion'. I had been off work for 3 months and I was worried she wouldn't 'get me'. Well, I have to say when the report came through it was to the point and very supportive of my condition. However, I was never offered any 'practical help' by the Occ Health people. Anyway, I had been told by my GP that the wait for CBT would be up to a year. In fact I only had to wait about 8 weeks from my referral :yesyes: It is going great and personally I am finding it a really positive experience and making some progress in the right direction.

Sorry to hear your story but your opening thread did make me laugh :roflmao:

I wish you good luck and hope that your CBT comes through as quicky as mine did!

Kitti :)

06-06-12, 18:24
I'm sorry you've not had a great experience, but as H says, keep yourself on the CBT waiting list, it is a lengthy wait but sadly mental health appointments usually are. I waited over 12 months for CTB but it was worth the wait, the lady that comes to see me is very knowledgable, understanding, and down to earth. Stick with it.