View Full Version : For those who are/(or think they are) alcohol dependant in social situations.

06-06-12, 17:57
Just want to say that I have been there and a few years ago I thought that I would never be able to face a social situation without having a drink before hand, in fact I was resigning myself to being dependant on alcohol to get through life. I once had 5 cans of beer just to pluck up the courage to meet some friends at a pub, I used to drink 2 or 3 pints every lunch time just so I felt I could face the afternoon. Now I don't drink at all, except for a glass of wine occasionally with a meal.

I am living proof that its possible to turn it around, I have done it and I want to let others know who might be like I was that it is possible to get over it and go back to being able to live life without thinking about needing a drink to get through a social situation.

Stopping drinking has been the best think I've ever done, it made dealing with anxiety much easier. Because I knew that every single little thing I was doing was me doing it and nothing to do with 'dutch courage' etc.

I'm not saying I'm a changed person in terms of my personality, no, I'm quiet, I always have been and always will be but I'm back to being more like I was before this hellish nightmare of anxiety/depression began.

I wanted to post this because if it helps one person believe that all hope is not lost and it is possible to overcome this problem then I feel like its helped someone else.

14-06-12, 20:57
that's a really positive thing to write :) i can agree with that as i used to drink heavily when i was young to cope with social situations, and i used to smoke heavily as well for the same reasons. i look back now and wonder how i could have treated my body so badly but then i had no idea what was wrong with me and that there were alternative coping methods out there. well done on beating alcohol!!!