View Full Version : Hi

06-06-12, 18:20
Hi - just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Emra and was diagnosed with anxiety last August (which i didnt believe when the doctor told me. It started with what I assume were panic attacks, although not convinced, I thought I had something seriously wrong with me as didnt believe anxiety could cause all these horrible things to happen to your body, and the feeling of dread and scaredness all the time.

Anyway, it has gone from anxiety to health anxiety and since this all started seem to have a constant worry that all this is to do with my heart. Sounds silly I know but for some reason I think I have a heart problem due to the chest pain, dizziness, numbness and palpitations I get quite often. I have had all the blood tests and ECG's last year which all came back fine and that put my mind at rest for a while. But when it comes back i get the same fear and thoughts that come into my mind. And I cant stop these thoughts that come in to my mind. Although I am a LOT better than I was last year I always have that feeling in the back of my mind when I get a physical symptom that something awful is happening as these feelings and sensations arent anything to do with anxiety. I have been on Citralopram since September last year and I think they have helped with things, but dont know how long to stay on them for as worried that once I come back off them I will go back to the way I was before I was on them.

Anyway, I have been getting these stabbing pains under my right breast for the last 4 weeks now, that come and go, I went to the docs about 3 weeks ago as thought the worst (breast cancer) but she examined and said everything was fine. They went for a week or so but have now come back. I dont know what they are. They arent constant and get them every now and then, like a long lingering stab. I do not think these are anything to do with anxiety and am now getting myself worked up again thinking they are something serious.....how do I get over these thoughts and try to think positive. I want to go back to the docs but am worried they will think I am wasting their time (although my doctor has been fantastic)

Does anyone else suffer with the same or similar thoughts and symptoms. And when to maybe try and come of the medication. I have never spoken to anyone else with this and would be grateful for any advice or comments.

Thanks, Emra

06-06-12, 18:31
Hi Emra

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.